i've just realised that its been ages since i've given a wee update on Branston. He's also looking very lonely on the long termers page and its a wee reminder that he's still looking for his forever home.
He's doing great and we seem to have made progress with the fear aggression thing, although he still does have his moments, they are far less frequent.
My friend and I took him away at the weekend to Ireland and he had a ball. We had hired a cottage and there were some fantastic walks round about including Strangford loch and Mount Stewart gardens. The loch was gorgeous, and i was so tempted to let him off lead as it was always deserted but as I've not really been able to work on his recall, i thought i should exercise caution; he didn't seem unduly bothered by this and seemed just as happy on lead.
He loved the walks round the cottage and was great with the livestock, which i was impressed by; he did look a bit confused by the sheep but he never reacted at all.
We got mixed reactions to him from the locals. we never saw any other greyhounds when we were there and it seems like Greys have a bit of a bad press over there. I was talking to the owner of the cottages who had 2 Jack Russels, she told me she had been talking to one of the local farmers who said she was brave to let him stay on the premises as they were trained killers, even though whenever he was out and about he was on lead and muzzled . On the whole though he got a good response especially from children; we met 2 wee girls in the park and they were amazed by the size of him and named him "donkey dog" and other children were dying to pat him
Branston is looking just great! And you're right - he's so happy. Glad you enjoyed your holiday in Ireland, but I'm not surprised at the reaction to Branston over there. I hope the gorgeous boy has changed a few of their minds!
Attitudes sometimes are amazing. I met a neighbour last night who came over to chat for the first time when I was taking Mason out after watching us on our walks for nearly a year. He wanted to know what had made me choose a greyhound because he had always thought they were vicious and uncontrollable. When I pointed out dogs with that nature couldn't be raced because they would attack each other and were, therefore, not bred from he seemed taken aback. During our brief chat a woman with a small fluffy puppy stopped to say hello and a couple of young boys came to pet Mason so I hope he realised how wrong the stereotype is. At the end of the day all breeds of dogs can have issues, its a shame greyhounds get such a raw deal about theirs.
It is so great to see him out and about!! I'm happy he is coming along so well! Hope to see him at the next event so we can start to find him his forever home! Linda
I've been really busy just lately and so I haven't had much chance to come and see what's happening in the GAL forum, however, I had a few minutes this evening and here I am! My first port of call was to check out Branston! He looks a wonderful dog and I'm always keen to see how he is getting on and to see whether he's got his 'forever home'. It's great to see him so happy with you and his trip to Ireland looked fun! Isn't it a shame that there is the 'bad press' in Ireland when that is where a high percentage of them are born and bred? Not to worry - if we can educate the kids of today, that's a step in the right direction!
Please give Branston a cuddle from me - I'm glad he's well and I'm only sorry that I can't provide that 'forever home' for him in West Yorkshire just at the minute.
the ever so handsome Branston is still here, and still commandering the sofa
That's him been here for a year on the 27th of this month (where did that year go?? ) but it really is no hardship at all having him here as he's such a brilliant big fella.
He's being going to obediance classes with a cople of other GAL hounds in order to socialise him with other dogs and overall he's done brilliantly. there's loads of dogs of all shapes and sizes that go to the class and he's exceeded all my expectations on how well he's coped, in fact on a couple of occassions he's just had a lie down while the other dogs are doing their thing, which is something i never thought i'd see. at the last class we were at the trainer had him parade around the centre of the hall with all the other dogs sitting around, he held it together really well and never lunged or barked once, i was so proud of him! I've noticed a big difference in him in general over the past year, but especially since going to the classes, he's far more relaxed when we're out for a walk now & for me it isnt like going on a military exercise trying to spot rogue dogs on the horizon!
We made it down to the walk at the strathclyde park today and he loved all the fuss that was made of him, he did really well up until the end where i think it all got a wee bit overwhelming for him, but lots of cuddles and reassurance (and a wee stint in iluska's very comfy car) and he was back to his waggy self.
I've not taken many pics of late but just to remind people of how devilishly handsome and laid back he is...(i've not quite fathomed the date thing on my camera, just in case people think i have a Michael J Fox flux capacitor thing going on! lol)
Although he's not had much of a chance to do it this year, one of his favourite things is sunbathing
Hi Karen, great to see Mr.Pickles(Branston)looking sooo good,where does time go?i can't believe how long you've had him,it's great he's doing so well at the taining classes,Linda always gives us a quick update when she brings sammy home from the training,long may your success with him continue,keep up the good work patience wins through in the end.Rachel.
Aww Karen - Branston is so beautiful! and I can say, hand on my heart, that he is in the best foster home ever! I will always hold that special plce for you having givin my boy Spoonie a great start! you need to come see him soon!
Neil, I've told Branston that his foster cousin Spoonie is going to give him some tips on the fear agression thing! Are you going to be able to bring him and his new girlfriend to any of the events coming up?