It's not easy to get a group shot, they keep moving. As you will see Bella the beagle is a wee bit chubby, and Bess the Bedlington X is a wee bit scruffy. But we love them all. Bess runs back to you when you call, she is just so happy. She went mad rolling round in the long grass and came out with the most amazing seed collection. Bella is a wee bit slower when running back, (short legs!) but she is very game. The three girls are fine out together, they each do their own thing, but like to keep an eye on each other (wouldn't want to miss anything) After their walk this morning, I said I'd take them over the paddock to feed the chickens, Bella came with me and Cara but Bess went in to the house with hubby (she's his dog, so I'm told) I'll try and get some better photos, and I hope to get to the walk this Sunday.
They look like they're going to be great fun. I'm glad Cara is taking to her new pals so well. Bess looks a bit like a mini Cara - with a few extra pounds! Marie
Bella and Bess look wonderful.I am sure Bella will soon lose weight running with Cara and Bess. Know what you mean about the grass seed in the coat. Flash picks up all sorts of things in his coat. Hope to meet your new girls soon Eleanorxxxxxx
If I can't watch lurchers running in Heaven...I don't want to go there.
What gorgeous dogs! I love the Beddy she yours? She is EXACTLTY what we are looking for..but cant find! Your dogs are a total credit to you.
NO favouritism, they are all very individual, yet all seem to get on well. Cara has always been a bit 'stand offish' with other dogs, but curiosity gets the better of her and she has to investigate. Bella is like a wind up toy, you just have to sit back and watch, her legs/tail never stop going, she's in to every corner of every bush and as soon as you are close enough, she flips on to her back with her wee legs still moving in mid air. Bess has started to liven up now, she was running mad on her walk this morning, but keeps returning to you for reassurance, she also flips on to her back and can wriggle along on her back for ages, covering a fair bit of ground. I'm enjoying getting to know them, they have been working dogs and seem to be enjoying the fact that we go for walks, just for fun, with no pressure on them to work. Cara is still dive bombing Bella, doing the big RRRRRAAAAAAR thing, but it's all in fun and Bella just ducks and moves on, Bella is the brains of the three, she's not fast but can out manoeuvre Cara nae bother
Your new hounds are gorgeous, Anne! Cara looks a bit bemused by it all, but it's great she's having fun with her new pals. Looking forward to meeting you all sometime.
Hi Anne, your new doglets are adorable. I have just got back from hols and just catching up on things cannot wait to meet Bella and Bess and so pleased for Cara that she has to new sisters! to play with. Nora
The girls have been great and the three of them are starting to get it together. Bella and Bess have never been house dogs, but they have been very good when they are in the house with us during the day. They are much cleaner in their run now that they know the walkies routine. Bella has removed all the stuffing from their comfy beds so now it's the heavy duty un-bustable, inside/outside nylon covered padded bed, we'll see how long that lasts. They have been kept on shredded paper in the past, so we'll wait and see what they like. Thanks for all the lovely post, it's great to see so many hounds in new homes just now, and it's good to know there are others in the same position as me. I better go and recover Caras favourite stuffed toy from the jaws of Bella