Hi Folks, Just realised with all the recent events, the spotlight has been taken way from wee Sally. Sally is 8 years old. Re homed by GRS at the age of 5 yrs to live with a family for nearly 4 years. She is not wanted now. She came home with us on Wed night She was very nervous, timid and confused. In terrible condition. Very neglected looking. 3 days on, she is a different dog !! With lots of cuddles and kind words, she is beginning to come out her shell. She responds well to lots of reassurance. She is very sweet and gentle. Now she never stops wagging her tail. Loves her cuddles. She follows me around everywhere, which is great, also, Jack likes her very much, but then, he is such a gentleman, likes everything and everybody !! Main thing is, they get along fine and the cats are no problem.
She apparently lived with kids, dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs. Sounds like a very busy house. She has settled here amazingly quickly, we think it is down to the quietness here. We have a very quiet home in the country, no noise, traffic, just surrounded by rolling fields and a garden the size of a park. We think she is really appreciating this, especially, at her stage in life.
She had a very sad face when she arrived, I don't particularly feel she was happy from where she came. She is very baldy on the back of her thighs, I gave her a good bath to get all the flea dirt off, she was covered in it. The water was pink afterwards. We could not do the bath up until now, til the flea treatment had taken effect. She's a bit on the thin side, with a good feed, lots of love and care, she will look a million dollars in no time. I had dog training lessons lined up in August for Daphne, well, I need to cancel that, because this we lady knows it all!!! One of the advantages of an older dog!! Shame they are so overlooked. She is a wee star !! Here is the happy couple ! Marian.
Are you sure she is new? looks like she's been with you all her days, talk about making yourself at home she is a cracker, I'm so glad she found you. Keep us posted with all the 'getting to know each other' stuff.
What a very delightful girl she is and seems to have her paws firmly under the table. Glad that her a Jack are so close,he seems to be very taken with her. Cannot wait to hear about all the adventures they are going to have together. Nora