For all those grey owners who have wooden/laminate flooring in their house, how does your greyhound cope with it?
One of mine Toots is a graceful pooch and has learned never to run but walk gently over it, Lucky however is another matter and he tends to live his life at 100 MPH ....last night he flew in the house with wet feet and slipped on the flooring and hurt his leg, he still walks but tends to limp slightly, sure he has strained his muscle, made an appointment for him at the vet tonight.
I have put a large rug on the floor, which almost covers it but he always ends up on the flooring that peeks through.
My Chad walks on his nails sometimes and panics he then goes into a splits routine, which is horrible where we have to pick him up (or hold him up). Once he is placed on the carpet in the other room he walks back in to this room as if nothing has happened!He doesn't always do it just occasionally usually when he notices he is on the bare end of the room where the dining table is.In his end of the room we have a big rug which works well. The kitchen and hall are tiled and he has no trouble there just the laminate floor! Em and Chad x
Red is amazing on the wooden floors here. Whether he had them before or it is just he is a clever boy but he hares in from the garden and then stops completely and then enters the wooden floor arena we call Milton with elegance. Tho he did forget today once and skidded around for a wee spin reminisent of bambi on the ice..(No don't mention that another story sometime I think but all I can say is I embaressed myself big time at a showing of bambi !!!!)
Thankfully he had only strained his muscle in his front leg so painkillers have been prescribed ...oh and i bought some extra floor runners today so he can walk through the hall and into the lounge without a foot touching the wooden flooring. :0))
We don,t have wooden flooring but went to visit my sister who has, it was hysterical, all three did not know what was happening but learned very quickly what they could and could not do and it certainly slowed things down between them. May consider that type of flooring just to stop the races if nothing else. LOL. Nora
Indiana has got it down to a fine art - he knows exactly when to stop running so he can skid to a halt at just the right spot. I have beautiful skid marks all over the floors...
Cara has got the 'rug surfin' down to a fine art. Run towards rug, put front feet on rug, run with back legs. Rug slides over floor at high speed. Step off rug before it hits wall (not so hot on this) Wait for human to replace rugs, then repeat. Cara is fine about walking on the laminate flooring, so is Bess, but if Bella tries to run she tends to fall over on the corners and her barrel shape sends her rolling over and over, she doesn't seem worried about this, just gets up and carries on
Just thought I'd mention this, one of my work colleagues had to take her dog to the vet due to leg injury on a laminate floor, and the vet said that they have seen a massive increase in arthritis in dogs since laminate and wooden floorboards become popular again.
We have laminate flooring throughout our house and Murphy and Jazz are fine with it but occasionally a foster dog can have problems getting used to walking on it. So we bought a tin of Shaws Paw Wax which 'Protects Paws and Prevents Slipping'. On the back of the tin it says-'Use sparingly for anti-slip on smooth or slippery surfaces. Apply more wax for all year round protection. Helps prevent damage from gravel,asphalt,ice,snow,roads treated with salt and all hard surfaces. Rub dog's paws directly onto wax or apply a thin smear to pads'. It costs a couple of quid from Pets at Home and lasts for ages and seems to be doing the trick so far for our lot
Our Belle is very bad on wooden floors - "Bambi on ice" hardly begins to describe it. Sometimes, when there's food around, she's like one of those cartoon characters that seems to run on the spot for ages.
We were going to put laminate flooring down in the livingroom, but decided to keep the carpet instead. As funny as she looks sometimes, we worry she might do herself an injury.
I've wanted wooden flooring for some time now but the thought of the dogs skiting all over the place held me back! If I do go ahead, I'll get some of that Paw Wax. Thanks for the advice!