Sad story in the Edinburgh Evening News (paste link above) today about a woman whose cat was killed by a greyhound. As per normal she claims the dog is therefore dangerous and could attack a small child On the plus side the Evening News does not make a big deal about the breed of the dog in its headline. Marie
I have trouble being sympathetic to the cat owner cos I don't like cats much !! however, a lot of the replies to this article do balance the story in favour of greyhounds very well, some even made me laugh (tho those are probably the inappropriate ones!, sorry guys).
i suppose the newspaper was short of decent cover but they didn't sensationalise the story so, well done to them.
my Dave would easily catch and kill a small furry but he's the most horizontal greyhound going when it comes to kids and life in general.
there will always be anti-greyhounds stories, mainly from people who have never had contact with one. all we can do is continue to promote the breed as fantastic pets.
I must admit, I would be raging if one of my cats was killed. But, I mean by any dog. I certainly know all about Greyhounds nature, prey drive, instinct, etc; although, it would not make it any easier. It would not particularly matter what breed it was, as I would be expecting responsible dog ownership for all breeds. But, that is never going to happen, as you are always going to get the plonkers out there that do not control their dogs. Marian.
Our Timmy lives happily with his own cat in our household but I am under no illusions that if he saw a cat elsewhere and it ran he would be after it like a shot and it would not survive. I always check our garden is clear of the neighbours' cats before I let him out. In my opinion all greyhound owners ought to be responsible and only let their dogs loose where they are sure that there are no cats or other small furries about. All greyhound owners ought to recognise that the dogs usually have a veyr strong prey drive and take suitable safety measures. I'd be raging if my cat were killed by someone else's dog, regardless of the breed of the dog.
Yesterday morning, I was walking Vegas and Dixie on the lead before I went to work. They surprised a neighbour's cat hiding in long grass and the cat bounded into the wood. Both dogs strained to chase it and it took my full weight with a sharp command from me - "Leave it!" before they obeyed me. But Dixie was nosing around in the grass where the cat had been when I heard cheeps of distress! Parting the grass, I found a badly injured young blackbird. Under its wing on its body, there was a bleeding puncture wound and the wing itself looked as if it had been mauled pretty badly. I carried the bird, watched closely by Dixie and Vegas, and left it hidden in what I hope was a better spot for it to survive. But I know its chances are slim at best. Nature is cruel sometimes.
As dog owners, we're responsible for our dogs in all public places and they should be under control at all times. Cats, on the other hand, can do pretty much what they please and get away with it.
There are so many beautiful sparrows and finches round me and it's always sad when I find the ones that have been 'played with' by the local cats I think a lot of birds use the feeders in my garden, because it is in a cat free zone. When the sparrowhawk swoops in and takes a sparrow, I know she is going to eat it, but the cats just kill for fun. I agree with you Christine, nature can be cruel.
Nature is extremely cruel. An awful lot of birds are horrendous to their own species. For instance, Magpies kill smaller birds and chicks, as do, Hawks, Crows, Ravens etc; We all know what Cuckoos do to other birds nests and chicks. Birds attack each other all the time. I hate it when my cat gets a bird or a mouse. It's horrible. It's natural for dogs and cats to hunt. Dogs can be kept on a lead. If someone out there could find a way to train cats to wear a collar and lead then I would do it!! It's cruel to keep cats in, the same as dogs would go nuts if they never got out. Cats are natural born killers, but, in defence of of my cats, everyone seems to be missing the point........wild birds are not pets, my cat is !! There are plenty of Greyhounds and lurchers out there killing rabbits and squirrels and deer in the fields around my way, just for fun, it's horrible, but thank God they are not someones pet. Marian.
My dad listened to a phone in on talk radio the other night regarding this and said they had an SSPCA inspector on who said that greyhounds do not make good house pets!!!!! No-one was on the show defending greyhounds and in particular making the point that they do make good housepets. Like all dogs with high prey drives it is the owner who is responsible for the dog and its behaviour, it shouldn't be the breed who are demonised. There are many other breeds of dogs who also have 'issues' which need to be managed. I only wish those people who demonise the breed had the opportunity to come into contact with greyhounds, only then would they maybe change their minds!!! (rant over!)
Interestingly on Wednesday evening I was walking Mason around a neighbouring street when a large grey and white cat launched itself from under a car towards him. In a panic I hauled him away from it and waited for it to run off - it didn't, it gathered itself and launched again. This happened three times, each time with me pulling Mason clear, I tried hissing at it and stepping forward but the cat was possessed. The fourth time I stepped into its path as it charged and received two puncture wounds in my leg as a result. I had to back out of the street, pulling Mason with me while the cat continued to stalk us. I have since found out this cat has attacked at least two other dogs, and that is only from the people I've spoken to. My cat was equally ferocious but she was not allowed to roam, she only went out when I was home and was not allowed to venture beyond my garden and my neighbour's garden. Throughout the attack all I could think was that there were no witnesses and if Mason got a hold of this cat the owner would have been branding him dangerous and declaring him a danger to children Now I know it has a reputation I am less concerned, but as a former cat owner I hope he never gets a chance to retaliate. Marie
Oh, that's a very nasty cat indeed. aye, I've had a few of them in my time, been bitten and scratched loads of times over the years too. At least others have testified to this cats irrational behaviour, it would certainly help your case if Mason did get a hold of it. As you say, hope Mason never gets the chance, he is capable of far more damage.
That is one mean cat. Dogs often become dangerously ill (or die if not treated) from infections caught from cat scratches. Interestingly, dog scratches are not as infection-spreading.
A cat bite can be as risky as a scratch. Cat fights mostly always result in abscesses. Cat's mouths and teeth carry a high population of bacterial pathogens. Dogs mouths are just as filthy too, with the same amount of bacteria, but because a cats teeth are more pointed and sharper, it is just like getting an injection of bacteria into the bloodstream. Also, a cat scratch may become infected, because the claws are much sharper and pointed, which makes it easier for bacteria to penetrate into the blood stream. A cat's only natural defence is a nice set of claws. A dog has a more powerful jaw and a bigger set of gnashers that are capable of doing considerable damage too. The difference is, a dog's teeth and claws are not as sharp, therefore, not as easy to puncture the skin, but they carry the same bacteria. Marian.
Luckily because I lived with a crazy cat for many years I think I built up an immunity against scratches and bites. I have to say I'd much rather be bitten by a cat than a dog though! The difference is, as Marian says, in the sheer power of the jaw. I'm going to carry a water pistol for emergencies and try and avoid our cat's street. Best to avoid confrontations I think
We had the mad tom cat that kept bullying my cats and claiming the garden for its own (before we had dogs).I once went and tipped a full bucket of water over it while it was asleep in the middle of the lawn.It did run away at that point but was back a couple of hours later.It was so mad that it used to stand in the middle of the road and face off against cars.I had got to the point where I was wondering if I had to trap it and get it neutered to stop it ripping my cats to shreds, as it was in no way scared of me or Graham.Though not long after hatching the neutering plan it was found run over so it obviously took on one car to many.
I know I shouldn't laugh Claire but the thought of that cat facing off a car. My Toots was so scary the local cats wouldn't even take her on. The second she gave a low growl they scattered. I'm pretty sure they took one look and thought "you're mental, you are". Once when we lived in a tenement flat with a large shared garden she chased this unfortunate cat round the wall of the garden five times as it tried to find a way out, when it finally did she still managed to get a good chomp on its tail as it slipped out. She never backed down
Working in a vet you get to see your fair share of aggressive animals and you have to try to restrain them. From this experience Ive had a few bites from dogs and cats. All I can say from that is give me an aggressive dog any day. Ive had to be prescribed antibiotics twice now due to pretty nasty cat bites and belive me outdoor hunting cats carry alot more bacteria in there mouths and claws than any of my dogs.
"The fourth time I stepped into its path as it charged and received two puncture wounds in my leg as a result." Marie
If this was a dog it would be a police matter by now likely resulting in this dog being pts even though it wasnt after you. So whats the difference?
Regards to cat or dog bites.............I don't think I would prefer one or the other, Lol !!! Had my fair share of both and they are equally as bad!!! Had a Boarding Cattery for 8 years, so am extremely well versed in cats!! Also owned a very aggressive dog that just about drew blood every day!!! When I worked in the Hospital, most dog/cat wounds were given the same treatment, ie; cleaned, penicillin, tetanus etc; very rarely did I see a cat bite require stitches. If a dog bite was serious enough to attend hospital, it normally required stitches.
I have a mutual respect for both cats and dogs, grew up with them all my life. I have never had a favourite, which most people seem to have. I am very aware and under no illusions, that there is a lot of cat hatred out there.
When dogs and cats are left to roam around freely, they will both do exactly the same thing, hunt and kill. Dogs have to be kept under control because they will revert back to their wild hunting instinct, if left to their own devices. Dogs are pack animals. Cats are not. Dogs can kill people. Cats cannot. This is why the Dangerous Dog act was introduced. Dogs must be kept under control. Even a small dog can kill a baby or child. I know it annoys some people that cats are allowed to run freely, but not dogs. A dog roaming around freely, out of control, could be very dangerous: cats are not in the same league. Cats do not cause half the serious damage that dogs are capable of, so, therefore they are not included under any dangerous animal act.
One can be just as bad as the other in their behaviour, especially if you have to restrain them, for instance in a vet surgery. Naturally. they are going to crack up!!! that goes without saying!! Do you want to sit there and get a thermometer up your bum or a syringe into the jugular or paw to get blood from?? lol! of course they will go berserk at times, one of the hazards of the job. Just try and concentrate on the good points of our canines and felines !! The majority are great. Although at times, one can be as bad as the other, I certainly could not live without them. Marian.
Glad you liked them Marie!! Just put them on for a bit of fun. The doggies versus Kitty stuff becomes not very nice.
Had such a laugh when you mentioned the evil cat glint in the eye !! Tig always has one of them ! I quite like feisty animals with a bit of spirit, so cat's suit me well !! Thankfully, they all have a great respect for one another at all times!! The dogs are brilliant with them. Marian.
P.S. One of my cats aged 16 years is not well and on his last legs ( liver cancer) The dogs seem to know and are so gentle around him.
I love your photos! Tig's a really handsome cat and completely evil for leaving the dogs with so little space! I like cats too - the cat next door to us called Bogart was more often in our house than his own, especially when I had a chicken in the oven! I missed him so much when my neighbours moved away.
What fantastic photo,s to show that greys can share their lifes with cats. I used to have cats and adored them but sadly I developed an allergy to cat hair and at that time I had the most beautiful pure white cat named Ghost and I had to rehome him. He landed on his paws with the home I got him up in Edinburgh and now lives with a single guy and has the life of Rielly. Nora
Fab photos, just goes to show what little space is required for a greyhound, when compared to the space required by the amazing expanding Tig!!!! Being a 'dog whisperer' must hold great advantages for a cat.