I'm sure there must have been a thread or two about this in the past, but I see it has been mentioned in the Edinburgh Evening News recently.
I'm unsure as to how I should feel about it.
My instincts tell me to rebel against it and that more stadiums can only be a bad thing for greyhounds. The arguments from the owner of the new stadium go along the lines that it would be a 'caring' stadium, with the needs of the dogs being catered for with vets on site and 'air-conditioning'. I don't really know where to stand - might it be a good thing for greyhounds to have a modern racecourse built for them? Might it lead to a mini-revolution in the way the dogs are treated and the way the public views greyhounds?
I also feel a little bit guilty in that I think I would probably go, just to see the dogs, never mind betting on them.
Its an emotive issue which everyone has their own views on. Personally I don't think the Wallyford project is much more than an attempt to build houses and suspect there will never be a stadium there. The stand has been erected for a very long time like a big white elephant. For me I could never support dog racing by going along until the sport is properly, independently, regulated and the welfare of the dogs given a priority. As long as it remains self regulated we remain with an industry which breeds thousands of dogs every year to find a few good racers with the rest tossed aside. Marie
Thanks Mike for bringing this to the forefront, you will find quite a few postings on the subject under "IMPORTANT NEWS" going back a few pages. I am of the same opinion as Marie that it was nothing but a white elephant to get the land to build houses etc, and Howard Wallace because he is an owner of racing greyhounds jumped on the bad wagon and used the stadium as an excuse. What saddens me is all the greys that have been acquired by locals hoping to make some money on the track only to find that they may never get to race,then what happens to those dogs? Mr Wallace has a lot to answer for. Nora
-- Edited by max at 22:18, 2007-08-25
Hi Mike, I also looked into the proposed Wallyford track a while back and like Nora and Marie believe that the track was a cover up to allow him to develop the houses and shops. Saddened to read about the greys acquired to race at this potential stadium.