Having been off colour for a couple of days we took Zak to the vet this morning.It looks like he has doggy flu as he is feverish and has breathing problems.We have tablets for him to take and he is sleeping on our bed at the moment so that he is comfortable.
He will be back to the vet on Friday to see how he is doing.
He just looks so pitiful at the moment all curled up in on himself and feeling very unhappy. Claire
Oh poor ZAC get well soon. lots of hot toddies eh!!! oh not sure what the doggie equivalent is???
Comfort for Zak seems to come from being allowed to sleep all day on our bed. We are also feeding him his pills covered in pate, those seem to go down well to.
But I am now away to have a hot toddy now you mentioned one I think it will do me the world of good.
To be honest he has been very good about it all. He was at the vet this morning and his temperature is back to normal but he still has a bit of lung congestion. But it looks like he is on the mend.
Well just as we thought that Zak was all better after his chest infection he started looking very ill again on Friday. He was panting lots, not eating and running a temperature. We booked him into the vets and graham took him along on Saturday.
The vets seem to think that it is the same thing that he had before but this time his temperature is higher and they are a bit worried about him. Unfortunately what is causing this is a bit of a mystery. They dont think that it is dog flu as he is not showing the classic symptoms like coughing, catarrh etc. The only thing that that they can think of is that something in his lungs keeps sparking this. So although rare they are treating him for lung worm, which is rife in the local fox population. Given that we have foxes that wander through our garden and Tara frequently rolls in the stuff when we are out on walks this may be a possibility.
He is also on stronger antibiotics in the hope of clearing things up. So we have metacam in a liquid to be fed once a day to take down the inflammation and allow easier breathing and less stiffness. Special worming powder once a day on food in case it is lung worm (normal worming treatments dont kill lungworm). 2 lots of tables one once a day and one twice a day, I think that these are both antibiotics.
On the metacam he is looking happier and Graham is taking him to the vets today so they can see if he is making progress. So fingers crossed.
Your poor handsome boy - you must be worried sick about him. I hope this clears up soon as I have a real soft spot for Zak - he was such a lovely cuddly boy when I met him at Langbank.
How very upsetting not knowing what is wrong with Zak. Here,s hoping that the treatment works and he is back to normal soon.Big hugs to Zak, I think he is a wonderful dog and love him to bits. Nora