We went down to our local market today at East Fortune and I was horrified to see a man selling Spaniel pups from the back of his car in the car park. I went up and had a look and there was two pups in one crate and the mother in another, the pups looked around 12 weeks old and were in good condition. I decided not to chat to the man but took note of his reg number and mobile as he had poster on the windows advertising the pups and phoned the police who are sending out a car to check. Do,nt know how you all feel about this but I am disgusted, how is he supposed to know what kind of homes these pups could end up in. Nora
Glad you were there to take action Nora. How appalling A pet should never be a snap decision and God only knows what the mum and any unsold pups woould be going home to, some people beggar belief. Marie
Good for you - I'd have done the same. Any responsible owner who had pups that they wanted to sell should want the best for them and to know they are going to loving secure homes. You have to wonder how many will end up in rescue centres in the near future!
People who breed dogs on 'puppy farms' can't sell them from their homes (because then you'd see the conditions they are kept in) They often sell from newspaper adverts 'will deliver' or from car boots. The mother in the other cage, may not have been the mother of the pups, a nice healthy stolen pet will look much better than the real thing This may have been perfectly above board, but I think you did the right thing. If this guy is on the level, he won't mind the police asking a few questions
Interesting note. According to a cop friend of mine it is illegal to sell any animals from the boot of a car - its the only place which is covered as an offence. I remember a case in Edinburgh a while ago when a guy was nicked for trying to sell a Cayman Alligator from his boot. Fortunately he tried to sell it to an undercover SSPCA officer in a carpark in the city and was arrested, the thing was nearly three foot long and had been living in his bath in a towerblock He was fined by the court when he appeared later. Marie
It's a case of the worse of two evils, wanting to save the pups from a life of misery but then once you buy them then the demand is there and it is not going to stop!
Good on you, hopefully he will have had the dogs removed, either that or a rather large fine.
Got a phone call from the police today saying " that it is not an offence to sell pups or kittens from the boot of a car " , all I can say is it should be!!!! Nora
I find that hard to believe, after all is it not an offence to sell pups or kittens from a pet shop? Surely the boot of a car is a worse environment than that!
You might want to suggest they check their own system. Under the Pet Animals Act 1951 (I think sub section2) it is a criminal offence to sell any domestic animal on a road, public place, stall or market. It carries a maximum jail sentence of three months. Lazy b**st*rds. Marie
Thanks for that Marie, I have phoned the police and told them about the 1951 Act and have since had a reply call from them. You are RIGHT!!!! they will now reopen the case and because I took the guys Registration number and mobile they will be able to trace him. If this stops him doing that kind of thing again then Amen to that. The police say they will update me on any progress. Thank you again. Nora
Welldone Marie, it's good to know you're out there keeping the pc plods on their toes You could try for a job with them and make Mason your police dog, he would be great at catching 'cat' burglars I wonder if it was the same plods who forgot about the grey in their kennels
Mason a police dog LOL, I suppose he could lean a criminal to submission I'm a little fed up with some police nonaction at the moment. A friend of mine had a horrendous experience on the Forth Road Bridge last weekend when a male driver who was trying to barge in front of her in the heavily congested roadworks started shouting, swearing and gesticulating at her. She took his reg and called the police when she got home only to be told to 'have a cup of tea and calm down'. She was told there was nothing they could do despite the fact he had been harassing her, a single woman on her own at night. I know they're overstretched but when 10 officers can be sent to the Chief Constable's home cos his wife had her purse snatched after leaving the back door unlocked, what do they expect Rant over!
The police phoned this evening when I was at ring craft class, and will be calling on me tomorrow to take a statement. Guess they have spoken to the guy and now need my side of the story, I will keep you all posted. Nora P.S It is the Dalkieth police !!!!!!
-- Edited by max at 21:52, 2007-10-01
No surprise there Nora. They are completely lacking in every aspect. I too must join Marie's rant. The police seem to want to ignore what they consider to be small misdemeanors. If they dealt with the small stuff then people wouldn't think they could get away with the bigger crimes. I have family in Singapore, known as 'the fine city' because of all the fines they impose! And it works. Perhaps our police should think about clamping down too - phew! Give them a piece of your mind Nora!
The police phoned this evening when I was at ring craft class, and will be calling on me tomorrow to take a statement. Guess they have spoken to the guy and now need my side of the story, I will keep you all posted. Nora P.S It is the Dalkieth police !!!!!!
-- Edited by max at 21:52, 2007-10-01
Well I for one feel really safe knowing that my local police station are so on the ball Good on you Nora for setting them straight and well done Marie for knowing more than they do!
well done Nore for phoning about that person and those poor pups and well done Marie for knowing about that act. I completely agree with the whole rant sentiment against the police, I've called them a couple of times over the past few years and got nowhere at all. Once driving related I used to drive a moped and some IDIOT of a truck driver practically forced me off the road nearly onto the pavement just so he could get past me and go a whole 3 mph over the speed limit, I had his reg and everything and the police done nothing the other memorable time was when a rather unsavoury neighbour in the close had a bunch of alcoholic friends round ( I mean full blown alkies not just folks who like a drink) there was a lot of shouting and loud music and someone passed out on the stairs of my landing now when did the police turn up, oooh about 4 hours later when everyone had either passed out of gone home! grrrrr.
Anyhoo well done all and lets hope they pull the proverbial finger out and actually do something about this guy and restore some faith in the police system which is seriously lacking amongst us the average joe.
The hilarious thing is it was a Lothian and Borders officer who told me about the act after checking with their new specialist animal wildlife officer!! I have to say in L&Bs defence that in Leith, where I live, they have always been very good when I have had problems - my nutter tenant upstairs and a slip-in at my home a few years ago. However you really do need to know the law and I get utterly infuriated by the number of people who are fobbed off simply because they are honest, law abiding citizens who trust that the police know what they are talking about and accept their excuses. I'm with Alexis. Letting the 'smaller' things slide sends totally the wrong message to the criminals and the people they are paid to serve! Marie
The police came today and took a statement from me saying that they will be working closely with the SSPCA on this case and will keep me posted. The Sergent congratulated me on my knowledge of the law but I could not take all the glory and told him about the GAL forum and how we all work together for the welfare of animals and anyone of us would do the same, so thank you all. Nora
A friend was at East Fortune last Sunday, (7th) spaniels still being sold from boot of car, one woman selling two either pomeranian or chihuahua pups from a pushchair. This is being passed to SSPCA.
Wonder if it's possible to make a citizens arrsest? can you imagine the guys face if a bunch of us turn up and lynch him,and remove the pups from him!!!!!!i knew it was illegal when i read the original posting but wasn't on the forum.keep pestering the boys in blue until something gets done,boycott the guy when you see him stand by and tell people that what he's doing is illegal cruel underhand can he prove parentage etc.etc.i know someone who would be interested in this guy, the person i'm thinking of is responsible for uncovering and exposing puppy farmers. he helped my friend when her samoyed puppy had developed one expensive illness after another i had grave doubts about the pups breeding from the beginning and looked into his pedigree and that's when the puppy farmer came to light so maybe we need to get this guy to pop along to east fortune and have a look, also the market owners and local council should know ,what about contacting the local dog warden? poor pups, also it would be worth taking note of the pups age, are they younger this time the same age or older,just in case he's got a lot of pups on the go and is saying the bitch is the mother when she may not be.anyway,need a fire blanket to throw over me and the computer there's smoke coming out of my ears and fingertips!!!!! good luck keep posting, need a cup of tea now.
Well Done Nora for your perseverance and Marie for knowing the law. I can't believe the police said it wasn't illegal when it clearly is. Would it be worth a letter to your local paper if it's still happening in a couple of weeks time, to expose the criminals and the incompetent police down at Dalkeith?
Dogs are not intelligent: never trust any animal that is suprised by its own farts!
Hi guys, I am the friend of Flash that was at the market on Sunday (that's me in flash's photo). I phoned the SSPCA today and they said that it wasn't illegal either and they've had a few complaints about his but by the time they get there, the car is gone and so can't check up on it. I was really naffed off about this. An organisation such as that doing sod all. I have written to The Scotsman instead in the hope that they will pick up this story and put an end to this. I'm going to ring the SSPCA again in the morning in the hope I get another (more intelligent) person on the other end. I am now armed with the Act above. I'll keep you posted.
Hi there I am right behind you on this and if they need any witnesses just send them over I am more than happy to supply my name and address. I will go over to the market , which is only five minutes from me by car, on Sunday afternoon armed with the act in print and all relevant contact numbers to hand. As for them saying they cannot act on it as the car has gone, I did supply the police with reg number and the guys mobile phone, can no one pick up a phone or check his reg? Good luck with Scotsman, I will get in touch with the local rag. Nora
Hi folks, here's an update. I spoke with the SSPCA again today armed with the act! I spoke with their legal services team and they have confirmed that it IS illegal to sell puppies from a car if they have no licence. What they would need to investigate is 2 witnesses who have seen the puppies being sold, seen number plate, person etc. They also told me that there is just 1 officer who serves the Lothians, so if you see it happening, it may take a few hours to get there, by which time they may be gone. Very useful! So whoever I spoke to last night and said there was no problem with it, they are wrong. So if anyone sees this happening, get all the info you can, please call the SSPCA with all the info you can and do not let them tell you it is legal. Hit them with that Act and say that their own legal team have confirmed it. It's very hard for me to get out to East Fortune, but if there is anyone in the area who can get out to spot this, please come forward. It is the only way we can stop this from happening.
Went back down to the market today after our walk on the beach ( CHAT/ Hounds having fun ) to find the same guy with the spaniel pups in the boot of his car. I decided to approach him and look at the pups then I asked if he knew what he was doing was illegal, he is one clued up guy and had all the right answers. He told me he was not selling the dogs there and then but giving people his mobile number and asking them too call at his home if they wished to buy the pups. I asked if he realised that he could cause a flood of people setting themselves up at the market and that they might not be as knowlegable as him about the law and could find themselves breaking the law, he was not in the least concerned. I asked if he vetted each person and inspected their homes his answer was that he would not visit their homes but would be satisfied with the future owners if they came to his home and told them their details. Basicly as he is not exchanging cash at the market but doing it in the privacy of his own home there is nothing the law can do to stop him. I was fuming But just had to walk away as I could not prove other wise. Nora
Nora, How frustating! I would have felt just the same way as you. I guess in these situations the only thing is to walk away as you did. At least you know you have reported him and followed up on your concerns and really tried to leave no stone unturned.- Sickening!It's just a shame there are not more people like us around, because people like him would become fed-up with all our questions!In addition, the law would have no choice but to look at the issue seriously again if there were enough complaints! Love Em and Chad xx