Does anyone know where you can get teavel sickness pills for dogs? I am told that they are available but I can't find any on any of the Pet Medication websites? Can they only be prescribed by vets?
I had this problem with Rag and Sasha. I tried everything, standing them on news paper ? in a crate ? putting bands on thier pulse points ? seat belts ? (which Rag still wears did not work on Sasha ). Now for the medication......... Johnstones Travel Eze( natural herbal ) pet shop, Bach Rescue Remedy flower extract/ chemist, Nelsons Nux Vom homeopathic/ chemist ..... none of them worked. It has just taken short/extended trips,feeding in the car, playing in the car, making trips to enjoyable places and not feeding them before a journey that worked for my two. They still do not like the car but are no longer sick. Nora
Amber vomitted and foamed at the mouth even before the engine started when I first got her.
However, I just took it slowly. A few minutes sitting in the car one day then up it day after day, until by the end of the week we were going round the block.
I also used Dean's Gastric Pills which I got in Pets at Home. They worked really well. They dried up the saliva.
Now Amber sits in the car for 2 hours or so whenever we are getting ready for a stint at the caravan.