Whilst reading the thread "Of all the hounds" I was interested to piece together how Marie got her handle of "Tootsmazza". I presume it is because her cat was called Toots and she is or was her Mum. Am I right Marie?
Got me to thinking how everyone chose their name.
My eldest son Ross, who has just left for Italy for 7 month (I mop the tears as I type!!), calls me Mo, and as my lurcher girl is called Amber it was fairly simple to just put the two together.
So come on, share with us how you chose your avatar name.
Whilst reading the thread "Of all the hounds" I was interested to piece together how Marie got her handle of "Tootsmazza". I presume it is because her cat was called Toots and she is or was her Mum. Am I right Marie?
Yup you're right Joyce Toots for my baby and mazza because I have a number of friends and colleagues who call me that...and no, I don't prefer it, anymore than I prefer Sharpy, Maz or even, on occasion from one wag 'Mazzeratti'. Marie works fine
My avatar has nothing to do with dogs or cats but a pet sheep. Max was abandoned by his mum from birth and I raised him and took care of him, he was such a pet he walked with the dogs off and on lead. Sadly he became aggressive with both the dogs and other humans and had too go. I could not even keep,him in the field without a tether as he would crash through the fence to get too what ever he wanted. So in memory to Max I use his name. Nora
Isla was the name of my first yacht and, when not walking or keeping the company of my beloved dogs, that's where I most prefer to be - out on the water. I also didn't think it was fair to pick one dogs' name over the other (I only had Wills and Millie at the time). No favouritism - well much as it's Wills' photo in my avatar.
Indiana is mine because when I joined the forum, he was my only greyhound. So because I now have Tigerlily as well, I use her photo. I figure it balances out and stops me from being accused of favouritism!
when i first joined i was "daves mum" because my dog is Dave and I am his mum. however, it caused a lot of laughs because Dave Melville was here and it was a strange idea that anyone thought i could be HIS mum !!!!
anyway, i got fed up with that as asked Dave to change it to my proper name, which it is now.
Hi Joyce, Midas was a very beautiful fawn greyhound girl who was responsible for Eddie and i getting together all those years ago ,so i just thought it a good name to use on a greyhound forum.Rachel.
Timmy's racing name was Slippy Sensation so I chose to use Slippy.
I thought at the time that you had to use an Avatar name which was different from your own. If I had known that you could use your own name I'd have chosen that and it would have saved me the bother of always having to sign off my posts as
Hi Joyce, Midas was a very beautiful fawn greyhound girl who was responsible for Eddie and i getting together all those years ago ,so i just thought it a good name to use on a greyhound forum.Rachel.
Hi Rachel, just to say glad you're on the forum and can see how all your pooches are doing Marie
Abby was our first dog together. She was a beautiful brindle lurcher who very sadly died of leukaemia when she was just 20 months old. Lindsay uses her name (and he was her "daddy") in memory of her.
Jack was the much loved big thug of a lurcher my son brought home from the kennels where he was working, he was known in the kennels as Shredder because he ripped every bit of bedding to shreds and dragged it out his kennel, he liked to sleep on bare floorFeld (funny eared little dog) was another of the dogs he brought home, she was an ugly wee smelly thing with an awful skin condition Feld and Jack made a very odd couple, but they seemed to just 'click' and were together for 12years. Feld died in Dec 2004 and Jack died in Feb 2005 (Never work in kennels where stray dogs are kept or let your children work in these places, especially a place where unclaimed dogs are PTS if not homed, it's just too heartbreaking) I take my hat off to everyone who works with these dogs.
Back when I was just out of university I was setting up my web design company and needed a name that was memorable and also had the url available. I like hippos, no idea why I just do and Graham had just bought me a little silver hippo ornament for my birthday. So the company got called Silver Hippo Designs and the logo was a drawing of the hippo ornament. Since then I have always been known as silverhippo online, so much so that if you put as a single word silverhippo into Google the first page is all links to me. So it does appear to be reasonably unique. When I joined the GAL forum I did wonder about using my name but it just felt more normal to use my online name.
Thanks Fiona, am a fan of rats too. (hud 5 over the years but progressed to ferrets). I only have cookie (albino one) now as sadly toffee died last year. (She was a right wee minx for wanderin) So am cookie's best pal noo, got the well licked/cleaned face/ears to prove it!
Neeroz, have you thought of trying the rescue centres for a new pal for Cookie? My friend got one from there (she now has 9!), he was the most flea-ridden, manky thing you ever saw - and now he is gorgeous and so loving and cuddly!
I'm now up to 6 rats, can't get enough of them.
And I've also accidentally hi-jacked this thread, sorry Joyce.