I go on my holidays today and Mason will be boarding at the daycare centre for eight nights, I'm not too worried because I know he loves Sarah who runs it and will be in her home, still its a stress. Mason seems to be taking it well... MARIE
Got back last night after eight days of road-tripping in North Carolina.Totally jet-lagged but I couldn't wait to get my boy back. When I went to collect him I had to wait in the hall for five minutes as Mason, two other boarders and Sarah's dog Georgie were having their dinner in the kitchen - apparently it took Mason just two days to get into the swing of eating twice a day and emptying his bowl each time, competition obviously works a treat, since he free feeds at home, usually at night. When I got in he was thrilled to see me, pushing all the other dogs out the way and sticking to me like glue, tail wagging like mad. Even when Sarah opened the back door to let all the dogs out for a post dinner runaround, he was having none of it, refusing to move from my side. He literally dragged me to the car and leapt into the back seat. Once home he crashed on 'his' sofa with a look of utter contentment and this morning's walk took twice as long as he had to leave his mark in every tree, bin, blade of grass etc. He has a few minor nicks and grazes which I guess are part and parcel of living with other dogs for a week but seems to have enjoyed his break and be happy to be back in the peace and quiet of his own home, with no other dogs to bother him. Now all I need is to get an electrician so I can get the central heating and hot water working Came home last night to find the timer is not working, and without it both of the above are off!! THank goodness for the gas fire! Marie
Hi Marie nice to have you back,bet it feels cold after being stateside,glad Mason had a nice holibags,any pics of your hols.to show us,sorry you've got technical probs.at home to deal with,typical,you go away for five mins. and everything falls to bits i blame the Gremlins they get in everywhere.!!!!
Welcome home Marie hope you had a terrific holiday. Sounds like Mason is glad to have you back, cannot say I blame him. Cannot wait to hear all about your holiday with photo,s please. Hope to meet up with you soon. Nora
Called the 24 hour ultra efficient sparkie service which charges a cool £79 (plus tax) an hour at 1pm....they've called to say their guy can't get here tonight, but will be here first thing tomorrow, honest Mason and I will have to huddle for one more night Marie