It is officially winter time, Mason is refusing to go into the park in the dark Its the weirdest thing. Last year when the nights got dark he was exactly the same, didn't mind going in at 7am in the pitch black but threw a hissyfit if I tried to take him in in the evening, especially if there were no other dogs clearly visible. No idea what goes on in his head but this evening we got about 10ft in before he peed on the first available tree and turned tail tugging desperately to get out, its Leith Links which is an open park with busy roads all around so not sure what spooks him, he's there almost every day at some point. We use a different entrance in the evenings and the long tree lined path just seems to freak him out. Of course he may actually be the sensible one, deciding its too dodgy, but he obviously doesn't think much of my abilities as his protector Guess its back to our alternative evening walk. Marie
marie you are not alone,here is a list of things our Hero does not do,he does not do dark mornings,ditto dark nights he does not do cold, wet, dark mornings or nights he refuses to get out of bed if i appear with a dog coat,heaven help us if he gets wee on his feet,this means the walk comes to a complete halt until said wee is completely washed off,if it's raining and he and maggie have wet coats he starts to try and lick his coat and legs dry before we get in the front door, he then repeats the performance on maggie!!!now licking his fur dry is one thing but raincoats is really sad,maggie is not allowed on their sofa until he is satisfied she is it's dark at night he would be happy to wee on the front steps whilst sheltering under the porch and to cap it all he plays up like h***if he doesn't get to wear his jammies 24/7 from oct to may,he's one mega WUSS. and i'm mad enough to pander to him,all those years of living with a clan of dogs has made me SAFT IN THE HEID.
Poor wee lamb - the West coast of Scotland must be a complete trauma to him. Lots of rain and lots of dark mornings and nights.
I must admit to seeing a certain reluctance from Millie and, on occasion, Tigger when the rain is stoating off the pavements. Millie bolts into the nearest clump of trees and does what she has to before returning to the car door and looking hopeful. She will stand by the car for the duration of the walk unless you put her on a lead. Thankfully they don't insist on their jammies all that much. Quite happy if it's a cold night but otherwise not bothered.
I love the bit about Hero licking the raincoats dry and not letting Maggie up on the couch.
They do have their little foibles and don't we love them for it!!
LOL, Mason hasn't got pjs though with my central heating out I'm wishing he did. He does have a fleece kept at daycare though in case he gets chilly. The other night I actually tucked a blanket round him as he lay on the sofa when I went to bed in case he got cold I think we're all a little soft in the head Maarie
No namby pamby pjs or coats for my hardy bunch, although Cara does have her own heater behind her bed and Bella and Bess have a heater in their kennel. We got one of those thermometers that tells you the temp inside and has a sensor you can put outside to tell you the temp there. We put the sensor in the kennel and it is warmer in there than in the computer room in the houseOK they may be a bit namby pamby after all
well, so far gus has his furry blanket on his bed but im sure as time goes on he'll have alot more. not sure about the pjs tho! been looking at getting him a coat tho. there is sooo many to choose from!!!!
I don't know what our Belle would do without her PJs. I thought she might have forgotten about them, not having worn them since last winter, but it was so cold one night last week. I got the PJ's out and went into the kitchen where she was lying in her basket. Normally, it would take a team of wild horses to drag her from her bed once she settles for the night, but all I said was "do you want your jammies on?" and she shot right out of the basket like a bullet, and stood there patiently while I slipped them over her head.
So does anyone have proper jammies or are you all talking about the fleece house coats that some people call dog pyjamas? Just so I know if I need to source proper PJs for the shop.
well, Gus finally showed some of the greyhound traits you've all been talking about. He refused to leave the cottage this morning and reversed back in so he could get his coat on! Once that was done he was more than happy to go out.
Dave and Daisy have pj's like the second pic. Mind you, I love the idea of my lot in jammies like the first pic - how neat are they!?!?!?!?
Luckily, the deep south isn't really cold enough for jammies and they get a tad warm during the night if they wear them - we end up with a couple of huffing hounds and have to undress them !!
Mine are as per the second photo too. I've thought about the other kind but not sure how tolerant they'd be to getting them on. Millie would probably love them though.
LOL love the pic of the proper jammies, i dare say Summer would love them. She doesn't seem bothered by the dark mornings or anything yet she's always on a hyper in the morning when we get up and she knows it's walk time :). I am gonna invest in a fleecy blanket to add to her bed next week though cause her ears are always a bit cold in the mornings. The blanket is gonna be part of her post vet treats.