Does anybody out there have any experience of dogs having cruciate ligament surgery? My galgo/podenco cross, Lulu, has had complex surgery to repair ruptured knee ligaments. Her knees are so badly arthritic (even though she is only between 6 and 8 years old) that a straightforward repair could not be done and she had something called a triple oteotomy (I think!) had to be done. She had her left knee done last April. Recovery is slow but after 4 months she was declared fit and just 6 weeks later she ruptured the other knee! This knee however is taking much longer to heal and it appears that the very long pin that goes front to back (second xray) has moved and is rubbing just below the surface of her skin. There is a constant sore there but the surgeon has told me to persevere and that it is best if we don't move anything if we can get away with it. I am worried though that this must be causing her some pain. Does anybody know anything about this type of surgery?
Sorry have not had this experience with dogs, but I had a very similar pin put in my hip which was sadly unsuccessful and I had to get the full hip replacement. Hope Lulu recovers soon and things improve for her, she is gorgeous. Nora
Don't know about dogs, but a friend of mine had knee problem and the metal pin was in the wrong place, she was in agony until corrective surgery. Hope Lulu gets better soon
Hi Valerie, sorry to read about your poor girl,I know of a Shar pei who had the same problem and like yourself her owners were worried about the sores that appeared where her cast was rubbing,I think they used something like Intrasite Gel on the sore and they managed to slide a strip of dressing between the cast and her skin ,it would come loose after a while but it did give her a bit of respite,I had a similiar problem with a six month old G.S.D. Pup she had surgery for U.A.P.of the elbow and she kept on gnawing the top of the cast because it was rubbing,we had to do the same thing add a little bit of extra dressing to try to pad it out,don't know if you can get anything betweenyour dogs skin and her dressing,after a while maybe it will be possible to have the dressing on her leg slightly shorter leaving the sore exposed to the air to help it dry out and maybe your vet will be able to give you something to help it heal externally.
Lulu no longer has the cast but there is a small sore constantly present above this pin. It is really giving me the eebie jeebies as I keep expecting the head of the pin to come poking out someday. She uses the leg reasonably well but will still lift the leg when standing still even though the surgery took place 2 months ago. She still enjoys looking for moles in the olive groves
Lulu is absolutely gorgeous, I hope her leg heals quickly, sending her healing thoughts. I recognise the pose in the 2nd picture, as Dust constantly has his head in the long grass and bum in the air looking for mice or whatever
Katie, Tricia, Lulu, Dust, Sally, Purdy, Scully, Rosa