who says greyhounds are boring and sleep all day? If only!!!!!!! Ronnie took over our house 4 months ago and is like a big pup that wont grow up. He is great fun and good company but takes the whole kleptomania thing a little too far. yesterday I left my specs on top of the dining table and a few minutes later a big black bullet shot by me tail wagging and something hanging out of his mouth. My specs! Today I had to go to work with sunglassses on much to everyones amusement.
3 pairs of glasses, two mobile phones, two remote controls, two pairs of boots, two pairs of dress shoes, four bras and things to numerous to mention and no it was not Cas thats just 11 months of Rag. Sasha chewed the kitchen flooring and door, but that was about it with her. Now for Cas, front door, letter box, wall, chair, shoes ?, rugs, emptied fridge twice, emptied frying pan twice(while food was still cooking), emptied kitchen bin BLAH times, emptied her bladder a few times too when we first got her and has torn numerous bed covers trying to get comfy. Think thats about it?. Don,t you just love them. Nora
-- Edited by max at 22:13, 2007-11-12
Poor girl - she is nothing like a hoover! My optician friend says dogs seem to love chewing glasses cause he's forever got folk in needing new ones because of the dog. Indiana is forever nicking things but rarely destroys them - apart from glasses. I've has to replace three sets so far!
Prince Chad wouldn't do any of that nonesense he is far too well behaved but if I look back at my other dogs behaviour I always stop at one - Charlie... he was a greyhound with real character. The day we got him he tried to eat our ****ateel this was just the start.... He munched up the whole house whilst we were out. As soon as our backs were turned he was destroying things. It all came to a head with firstly - me coming in to find,.. well I thought my house had been burgled it was so bad!Door frames ripped off carpets scraped until they were rags, he ate our new cabinet doors in the kitchen and pooped absolutely everywhere after stealing all my boys easter eggs! My husband really thought we had made a dredful mistake with him.If you went for a few minutes he would have the whole kitchen bin out and have ripped something up in anger. We had to get a crate in the end to control him if both of us were out. I've only worked part time so it was not like I was gone all day. The really bad thing he did was chew through a fence until there was a hole big enough to get through the other side where he chewed through solid chicken wire and went through that (cutting his face) only to then catch and savage an innocent yorkshire terrier that was barking in another garden. All this happened in a space of about a half hour and cost us hundreds in vet bills and a whole new six foot fence to put right.I was so ashamed to have such a bad doggie.He chased my neighbours cat the day we replaced the fence.. right up her stairs!!! I had to contact the RSPCA to help save a poor hedgehog that he chewed, he killed a couple. The spines were horrific but his instinct was so strong. We had a tame blackbird who used to come into the utility room. One year she nested and as soon as her babies fledged he killed one.She mounted such an attack on him it was sad but funny looking back how hard she flew at him with her beak and claws (risking her own life). All this happened during the course of a year. He also managed to escape through an open gate and got hit by a vehicle and nearly died. In the end a companion dog calmed him right down and we no longer needed the crate, the difference was unbelieveable. He also lost the will to run away after being hit by the car and was even behaving enough to be let off lead. The funny thing is out of all the dogs we've ever had we both have a very soft spot for him. I think it was the challenge of calming him down and instilling a bit of training (less instinct) that bonded us to him. We had one terrible year with him but nine wonderful ones after and that's what counts. Em and Chad xx
Wow - that is some litany of disasters! Indiana also calmed down when we got Tigerlily. So all you single greyhound owners out there might now recognise the benefit of falling in love with a homeless hound on Sunday... he he
My Lulu was also a kleptomaniac when I first got her. Always stealing things and hiding them in her bed, all tucked up under her blanket but never destroying anything. Lulu has also been beset by disasters and has cost me an absolute fortune one way or another. When she had been with me for 2 years my vet printed off a clinical histroy to take to hospital with her. I was floored by the 22 veterinary visits listed (22 visits in 24 months!). Just like Em and Chad, of all the dogs I have had I have a real soft spot for her. I think it is because she keeps me on my toes so much.
my previous greyhound did that- steal -hide but not damage - all sorts of things I have my new specs now but still cant believe Ronnie chewed the other set. I hope he gets a bit calmer as he gets older
Dear lord girls, i thought Rowen was a little thief, but he's an angel compaired all the stories you've just wrote. He is terrible for stealing shoes but only the left one lol, and the kids toys are a fav, it's common in this house to see Rowen running down the hall with a large toy in his mouth and Hannah or Leah chasing him shouting "mum he's been in my room again", Rowen heads to his bed then drops the toy and looks at then like "how did that get there".....lol. The bin is always on it's side and the fridge door open........ he just makes my laugh so much, despite all this the kids love him so much and call him "baby Rowen". The only time they fall out with him is when he tries to steal there slippers ( while there wearing them) lol