Well folks I've been feeling a bit strange lately. About a week ago I started feeling sick first thing in the morning, it's past now but I still turn my nose up at the raw meat I used to enjoy. I have developed a taste for herring, vegetables and rice, I also enjoy cooked meat casseroles (with lots of veg) sardines and olives I feel a bit grumpy sometimes, I can't be bothered with other dogs 'bothering' me. I love my bed and the fire and sitting on the humans feet, I like lots of cuddles I think I'm getting fat, what do you think
I think there's a bit of a belly in the first photo, and a bit of a booby.
I can still hold it all in when I want to though
I'm still going on lots of walks, but the vet said I'm not to chase anything in case I injure myself and need stitches or something. So I'm only allowed in some fields. People come to visit and stroke my belly, saying things about puppies, the vet shaved a bit hair off my belly and he said things about puppies as well
Cara, you're getting a bit of a belly there Get all your reserves packed on now love, those puppies will be here before you know it. Marie PS Not sure whether I should tell Mason about your conditon...it'll be our little secret
OMG I've started to feel 'hungry' I keep getting the urge to stand in front of the two legs doing the staring, unblinking thing until one of them fills my dish. I want doggy toothbrushes, lots of them, if anyone goes near the toothbrush bag I have to rush up and sit in front of then offering paws. It's soooo embarrassing What's this about extra christmas pressies, who are they for
Just a wee note to The Bairn, its no so long till i return home again now! and you can get the extra hugs that mother doesn't give;) and best of all am back for more than five minutes this time!!! Hopefully one of those extra pressies is for me? cause you can be sure i be bringing you some new toy as always, ps what should i get the other pair? any inside info would be great
-- Edited by Muddy Zuk at 10:00, 2007-11-22
I propose we leave math to the machines and go play outside.
I've been youtubing all over the place, lotsa puppies, one dog was giving birth on the livingroom chair It's ok, hubby doesn't do youtube. He is getting a tad suspicious about the lavish birthing box/ puppy pen he suspects East Lothian planning dpt. will have to be notified