As it is doubtful I'll ever get along to any of your walks or meet up with any of you I thought I would introduce you to my "bunch". Firstly there is Estrella. She is now 14 and I adopted her 10 years ago. She is a wonderful dog. She is now stone deaf and doddery but still loves her walks and enjoys the odd mad half hour. She is a true Heinz 57 but undoubtedly has some German Shepherd thrown in. Other than being deaf she is fit and well despite having antibodies to Leishmania (sandfly disease). Next there is Mari, a Portuguese Podenco. Mari was the most terrified dog I ever came across. She never walked, just snaked on her belly. A decision was made on her in the shelter because she had sky high Leishmania antibodies. I took her home to foster her until she succummed to the disease. That was 7 years ago and she is the fittest one of my 3 dogs!! I had her for two months before I could get her in the house and it was months before I could take her for walks. She was very hard work, she had so many hang ups but she has been worth it and is now a lovely dog. She is still slightly nervous, terrified of loud bangs but is a very loving dog. She is now 10 years old. Last but far from least is Lulu, a greyhound/podenco cross. Lulu..................well where do I begin. It is a long story with many ups and downs. She is a great dog and I wouldn't be without her for the world but her story is long and on going. If anybody is interested enough I could post a seperate entry dedicated to "Lulu's Story"!!
What beautiful dogs They all have soulful eyes. I don't think I could do your job - I would be crying all the time! Well done for giving them all such a wonderful home x
Val, I'm soppy too there is no way I could, as Alexis said, do your job either!
They are all stunning but Lulu is so pretty I'd love to hear her story. What is antibodies to Leishmania (sandfly disease) I guess they get it from being bitten but what does it do? It sounds a common thing? Love to learn more , Em and her boy Chad (who don't get on walks either because we are in East Anglia) xx
Wonderful dogs, it's interesting to hear what dogs in other places have to contend with. The culture is so different in other countries and so is their attitude to animals, you have the hardest of jobs and although I couldn't do your job, I would love to hear you and your dogs stories.
Leishmania is a mediterranean disease very common in dogs here. If left untreated it kills dogs. It is caused by being bitten by a type of mosquito/sand fly which carries a parasite. The insect leaves the parasite in the blood of the dog. The disease is not contagious from dog to dog nor dog to human, the insect is always the vector. The disease manifests in many different ways but usually first presents with open sores on the legs, ears and bottom, overgrown claws, poor skin condition and a dry/scaly nose. In the latter stages the liver and kidneys become affected and the dog always looks emaciated. Responsible owners do an annual blood test and if the disease is detected this way before the dog manifests with any symptoms then the outlook is good. All my dogs have antibodies but (touch wood) have remained fit and healthy. If you go on the website and look at the "About Us" section you will see photos of a dog with advanced Leishmania, I warn you it is not a pretty sight and for that reason I haven't posted the picture here.