It was a great turnout tonight - seven of us on the hunt for Dev. We searched and asked around but had no joy. We had parked our cars next to Bishopbriggs park. At the opposite end is where Dev had been sighted. When we returned to our cars I spotted something black running across the park and we searched again but still no joy. On return to the cars again, myself, Lita and Caroline spotted something black at the far end of the park which appeared too big to be a fox. We searched and searched and left food out but I think by then we had scared whatever it was off. We've left posters with the golf club that runs adjacent to the park. I think it might be worth leaving food out over the weekend and sitting still and keeping watch when it is dawn or dusk so we can be sure if it is Dev we are seeing. If you are able to do this - please do! Any sighting will be a blessing.
Well done everyone,!!!As soon as Eddie gets back I'm more than happy to come out maybe if Dev hears my voice he might show himself,I'm expecting Eddie home sometime Sunday,I'll see what I can arrange for then, big hugs to those of you out searching tonight.
that's some promising news, still keeping everything crossed that it is wee Dev wandering about out there. If I was closer and not 6 months pregnant just now believe me I'd be there with Summer helping search he's such a lovely wee timid boy. Keep up the good work folks.
Hi when searching for Dev last night i spoke to a lady who lives local and she said she seen a black dog near the canal not far from the sports center but was unsure if it was a greyhound. She knows about DEV from our web site so i she see anything will contact Gal with details all we can hope is for more sightings and we get the boy back safe
Went out for three ours on Saturday morning. met Denise McGregor and her husband also searching.
Walked with Mick from the car par along roads houses bordering the Bishipbriggs Golf Course towards the canal. Then eastwards along the canal then back to the sports centre - southern ban of canal. No sightings of other news..
Hope to get out tomorrow with Karen from Dunoon,can someone give us directions from here at Langbank?Don't have plans finalised as yet,depends on the ferries for Karen getting to and fro.
m8 to junction 15 takes you onto Springburn Road. You will imediately pass through Sighthill - flats to left and cemeterty. Continue north you enter Bishopbriggs.Signs Turn left shortly opp the railway station then right ( see car park sign) takes you towards area where hound was spotted. Park area.
Further north on Springburn Road turn left at lights takes you to Sports Centre.
Went out with Mick for a couple of hours. Met Denise McGegor and her husband on my walk. Waled the area north east of sports centre along south canal path. Back through housing. No sitings or information received. Cards given out again to dog walers etc
Thanks Charles,I'm a bit worried that there will be fireworks tomorrow with it being Hogmanay,can't imagine Dev liking them much.Don't want him to get a fright and bolt.,especially if he's near a busy road.will keep everyone posted.
Everyone is putting in so much effort I hope there is good news soon, it must be so frustrating being so close and yet so far. Keeping everything crossed. Marie
Well folks no news or sightings of Dev,despite having had a rough night and waking up with a furnace in my throat I was determined to go out with Karen from Dunoon and look for the wee guy we were out from 2-30pm 'til 6-30pm,it was wet muddy miserable and cold,we pounded steets,wandered muddy tracks walked the canal,only turning back when it started to get dark,we looked around more streets and some shops then returned to the park,we sat with the car doors open just watching and hoping. We got out and spoke to other dog walkers and we met wee toothless William greyhound with his mum.We were reluctant to leave but Karen had to get back to catch the Ferry home, we went around the grounds of the local primary school aswell, twice. I called and called his name,I've not done my sore throat any favours but what the heck Dev is very worth it.The area is vast, we scoured the golf course as we walked the canal, you really need lots of pairs of eyes,saw the posters that had been put up,all to no avail,not giving up,will be out again when I can.Karens keen to go out again too,but she has to fit it around work and the ferries.
Charles, you're a star! Your directions were very easy to follow and we had no trouble finding our way. I don't know Glasgow very well and was slightly nervous of finding my way to the area.
TBH, I avoid Glasgow at all costs as I hate cities. I can't remember the last time I was up there and I only tend to be in the city centre so it just goes to show the lengths that some people will go to for the sake of a little lost dog!
Sadly, as Rachel said, we saw no sign of Dev anywhere - it's very frustrating. As neither of us know the area well, it made it even harder as we weren't sure where we were or where was best to try looking. We found the canal more by luck than judgement.
Hopefully we'll be able to go out again on Wednesday or next weekend. It was nice to meet William and his mum. Just a pity none of us had a more positive result.
my sister and i went out this afternoon to see of we could spot Dev. we went up past the golf club, through the park, up past the leisure centre and along the canal. We headed up towards the stables, where we met a very nice lady with a fawn groo ( i really should ask people's names) she had been out looking for him too. we had a bit of a chat and discussed the possibility that he may have doubled back towards the sighthill area. there's allotments behind McDonalds (we were thinking food sources) just off the main road. we had a look down there as the place is always teeming with rabbits, but to no avail.
I'm soaked, off to have some dinner then a hot bath. it would be nice to think that Dev is feeling the postive vibes or that some kind person has taken him in over the festive period. fingers crossed!
Sorry you didn't have any more success than me, Karen F. It was me & Bel (fawn saluki/whippet in the red coat) you met today. I've been keeping a close watch around the sports centre/canal area of Bishopbriggs morning & evening, and today I walked the canal along to Possilpark and up to Kenmure without success, and much of that area is pretty waterlogged at the moment, hence my thought that Dev might have begun wandering towards more likely food sources, ie back towards Springburn/Sighthill. I will have a further look tomorrow, but unfortunately will be back at work after that. I also hope someone has taken him in until the holidays are over.
Thanks for going out looking,Karen and I spotted the allotments but by the time we got back to the car it was dark we also thought about him doubling back but Karen needed to get back for the ferry,we are going out again as soon as and will just keep speaking to folks.I thought about putting some posters at the entrance to the park as we didn't see any there.I wondered if maybe you weren't allowed to post them there.
Tuesday Jan 1 Hi Was out for two hours this morning. Searched area to the east of the main road from north to south - no sightings. Lots of sqirrells and pheasants on the other golf course to north. No dog walkers had seen anything. Denise McGregor was out as well this morning. We were advised the other night that greyhounds are kept somewhere in the Allotments close to McDonalds on Springburn Road - in an old shed no doubt and also behind Hills Bookmakers on Balmore Road. Both sites quite secure when I looked today. Anybody now anymore about thes hounds?
Those who have visited the Bishopbriggs area and Sighthill know that it's relatively easy for a hound to movepossibly long distances along canal etc Keep up good work
Some sighting news. A friend of my sister's said she saw a black dog in the back garden two houses along from her dad's. Her dad's house is one of the bungalows on Brackenbrae Ave that runs directly behind the park. This was on Sunday at dusk. She descried it as a lurcher though rather than a greyhound as she felt its face was hairier than she would expect a greyhound's to be, but it was getting dark. She didn't know about a missing grey and only heard about it from my sister on hogmanay, hence why I've only just heard.
Torrance is a small village just north of Bishopbriggs. Easily reached by road and canal from Bishopbriggs There is a country road leading from Torrance to Lennoxtown. A number of small country roads lead off this road Farmland on both sides. Land to right leads down to river Kelvin. One of these roads kirkiintilloch Road leads through golf course toward Kirkintilloch
Other close villages / towns Milton of Campsie and Kirkintilloch.
If we can get lots of volunteers into the general area tomorrow - Thursday. Should find the hound. Cant make it as working. aghhhhh
It would be useful to know which T junction the lady was referring to. The Torrance to Lennoxtown road has only one road joining it; on the right hand side when travelling from Torrance, about 1/3 of the way to L'town. Shortly after that there are a couple of cottages on the RH side and then two farms, one up a farm track and the other right on the fairly sharp RH bend. Possibly farmers might have sighted Dev so worth checking there as early in the day as possible. if she is talking about the T junction at the end of the road, then that is actually at the edge of Lennoxtown, and that will mean the dog has run off in the direction of Milton of Campsie. However, I'm assuming that she means the Campsie Road (that's the one that leads to the Kirkie golf course). Sorry I can't help with this as will be back at work tomorrow and it will be dark by the time I finish; however I will try to allow enough time en route to work to go via Lennoxtown and the Campsie road and, time permitting, will try to go out for an hour at lunchtime as I'm only a few minutes away from there. Meantime, I'll ask my OH to look out for him when he takes our hound out tomorrow and also alert any other dog walkers he meets. Good luck to those searching tomorrow. For anyone driving out from Glasgow, continue on through Bishopbriggs, keep left at the first mini roundabout (retail park), then go left at the main roundabout, and bear right at the next one, into Torrance. As you approach the Torrance traffic lights, bear RIGHT, and this will take you towards Lennoxtown.
Chatting to the farmers sounds like a very good idea, if they've been out and about hopefully they may have seen something.
He is such a timid boy that getting close to him in open countryside is going to be virtually impossible unless he is very, very hungry and will approach for food. We really need him to stay close to well populated areas as we are relying on the public for sightings.
Huge thanks to everyone who has helped search for him, all your efforts are very much appreciated.
If anyone would like a copy of Dev's poster please PM me with your email address and I will let you have a copy, if you have the facility to photocopy them please do so.
No success today either. I drove the Torrance to Lennoxtown road then back through the Campsie road into Kirkintilloch about 8-8.30 this morning. Handed in the dogslost posters to 2 local shops in Torrance, 1 to the local postie who delivers to outlying houses/farms, and 1 to the Kirkie golf club. Another drive to Lennoxtown & back via Milton of Campsie at lunchtime fruitless, and home via Campsie Rd/Torrance tonight at 5pm, all the time willing Dev to appear in front of me because it is such a horrible night.