She'll drift off the sleep, then i dunno what she's dreaming about but something is getting savaged to bits!! Her top lip was curling right up and she would take a big deep breath in, hold it for a few seconds then out came the deepest boomiest growl i've ever heard. Her teeth were chattering, her eyes were flicking about and even opening and rolling back!!
In fact he sleeps on the bed with me and sometimes he is growling and thrashing about so much I end up kicked to bits,usually I have to wake him up....verrry gently. He just looks at me sleepily as if nothing's wrong. In fact sometimes he is more active asleep than he is awake.
Mason often has 'woof,woof' dreams and wakes me up, even if he's in the other room. The first time I raced through to see what was going on only to find him unconscious, woofing away to himself. When he is chasing something you can watch the whole cycle from the start with the odd paw twitch to the full blown puffed out cheeks and accompanying noises. I think he's dreaming of his big races! Marie
Our lot also do that, athough Dust is the worst and it's best not to try to wake him up as one time he snapped at me, although I think he got the biggest fright
Katie, Tricia, Lulu, Dust, Sally, Purdy, Scully, Rosa
yeah Summer has dreams too, not heard her growling but she does have the whole toe twitching and puffing thing going on sometimes followed by a muffled woof or whimper. Like most of the others when I call her name to wake her she just looks at me sleepily, huffs then falls right back to sleep again :)
Our lot also do that, athough Dust is the worst and it's best not to try to wake him up as one time he snapped at me, although I think he got the biggest fright
The phrase 'let sleeping dogs lie' had to come from somewhere Mason's woof woofing at the mo, the only thing likely to wake him up is me laughing at him! Marie
Yeah Jet does thins as well, the first time he did he was barking his head off in the middle of the night in the other room, i ran through thinking something was wrong and he's woofing away with a big smile on his face! i have heard him growl in his sleep and see him run, i just think some poor daschund's gonna get it!