We had a bit of a fright on Friday evening. Tara was laid on her bed, but there was a very obvious lump just above her damaged knee, and she was in pain. To get a better look, I carefully straightened her knee, supporting the joint with one hand. I felt something move and click, and the lump was gone. After that, her knee looked fine (or as fine as it does at the moment), and she would put weight on that leg, though more carefully than the previous few days. And she didn't seem in pain, and would let me do her exercises.
Saturday morning, we went to the vet, who believe her kneecap had popped out. She doesn't appear to have done any damage, and the risk of it happening again should lessen as her muscles recover. They also checked the slight infection she's picked up at one end of her operation scar - that should be treatable with yet more antibiotics, but they may drain if the swelling doesn't go down by Friday. Tara likes her pate-covered pills, so no problem there!
What's really worrying me is that her knee cap has popped out twice since then. On both occassions she was quite excited - once on arriving at my parents' for Mum's birthday, the other on seeing Rachel and Eddie at the kennels. Both times I managed to get the kneecap back in place very easily - a slight touch on the far side and it just slips back in - but I'm very worried that next time it won't go back. Also, every time it happens, Tara seems to be limping more afterwards.
I'll speak to the vet in the morning, to see if there's anything else we can do. I'll let you know what they say.
Saw Taras knee for myself,all she did was stand up and turn around to say hello,and it just popped out.Luckily it went back in quite easily when Graham touched it.Tara looks really well and you can see the hair growing back in on her leg, Zac looks good too and his neck has healed nicely.
Well that was yesterday and today so far with no more knee problems, so looking good for the moment. Slightly worried about tomorrow as Tara is already starting to get herself all exited.
Tara went to the vets this morning, to see their best joint guy. He's confirmed that the kneecap is popping out, probably because the tissue around the joint was damaged during the operation. The good news is that it's a relatively easy fix. Tara needs an xray in two weeks (to check the operation worked), and while she's out for that, they can repair the damaged tissue with some stitches. It'll add about two weeks to her recovery time, but otherwise she'll make a full recovery.
Tara's original injury is recovering very well, and she's well down the road to making a full recovery. I'll keep people updated when there's any more news.
Her knee is still popping out but other than that she seems to be making a good recovery. The hard part is keeping her calm as she now thinks that she is better and is trying to do things she shouldnt. Most of the time she is walking on the leg and using it to put weight on, but still limps some of the time. Friday is the day for the x-ray and the kneecap repair so I am a bit nervous as that should tell us how the bone is healing. It will also put us back about 2 weeks in terms of recovery while the knee heals then we can start the physiotherapy proper.
Yesterday, Tara went in for her xray and operation as scheduled. She's currently feeling groggy and a bit sorry for herself, but the news is good.
Tara's original operation worked. The bone is healing, and there's no complications. She'll need a bit more time and lots of physiotherapy, but by summer she will have made a full recovery.
The vet decided they did need to operate to sort the issue of her kneecap popping out. Really this isn't much of an operation - they just slit the skin open, stitch the damaged tissue back together, then close. At the moment she has an enormous bandage on, which comes off on Tuesday at her next check up. The following week her stitches come out - they used the more robust kind, as the dissolving ones aren't strong enough for a dog as strong as Tara! That should be an end to that, and we can then begin the slow process of building her strength back up.
Thanks for all the kind words from everyone - Claire and I appreciate your thoughts. Claire's also been passing on all the hugs to Tara, which makes Tara very happy!
That's great news Graham, I'll keep my fingers crossed Tara recovers well and her kneecap stays put! Poor girl must be chomping at the bit to get out and running Marie