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I've always known Indiana was disturbed but last night was a new behaviour issue. In the dogs' room there is a double bed and their two baskets. The bed just has a sheet on it and they are welcome to sleep on that too. And they make full use of it! However, last night Indiana was whining to get into our room at 1.30am and when he got no response he promptly peed on the double bed. If ever there has been accidents, the dogs use a corner of the dining room which they have access to at all times. Also, if Indiana needs out, he's usually a lot more persistant than a wee whine. He tends to be disruptive when he doesn't get his own way but last night was a new one particularly since it was ruining something of his. My theory has to do with the fact that I've been ill and the dogs have been snuggling up with me during the day. Indiana wanted it at night too? Any ideas? And what should I do now about the bed? It's cleaned but perhaps they shouldn't get up on it at all? I'm going to kill him if he goes down the peeing in the house route. PS. Nothing else in his routine had changed.


Alexis V

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Maybe it is just knowing you're not well and a change to his routine, or it could just be him being off colour - or coming out in sympathy. Surely he deserves the benefit of the doubt, especially if it wasn't his normal 'I want out' whine.confused.gif

Mason's Ma

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Alexis, you mention that the dogs were snuggling up with you through the day time recently. Was that in your own bed? You also mention that he tends to be disruptive if he doesn't get his own way also. So perhaps yes, he may now be demanding some attention through the night!

I don't know much about Indiana and issues you've had with him, but generally speaking I find if you give an inch - they take a mile!! evileye.gif One of our hounds used to regularly get into our bed every morning when the alarm clocks went off. That was fine with us but over a period of time the creeping into our bed now takes place in the middle of the night ! He does get off the bed when told to, especially when its our bedtime, which we put in place from day one.

-- Edited by greyluvver at 00:08, 2008-01-05

-- Edited by greyluvver at 00:09, 2008-01-05



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I know it sounds a bit daft to say it, but Sally has been waking us up he past couple of nights as we think she was a bit cold. We get up and tuck her in her fleecy blanket and she's fine.


Old Hand

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its maybe just because hes been sleeping with you recently that he's decided he want it at bed time aswell.

its as if hes thinking "i cant sleep in my bed someones pee'd in it so i've just got to sleep with you :D"



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I like that last suggestion of 'my bed's peed in!' It sounds typically Indiana! Yes, it's my bed he's been in during the day. Today, I decided he wasn't going to get into bed with me during the day to avoid the night time tantrum and he promptly peed on the Christmas tree for the first time. So yes, I think it's a ' I'll take a mile thing'. Even though it's my fault, I'm still gonna kill him though. I mean, Tigerlily gets treated exactly the same and she's not behaving stupidly!

Alexis V

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Oh Indiana, honestly...of course Tigerlily didn't do it, she's a lady!

Mason's Ma


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lol smile.gif

Alexis V


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Oh peeing, I know all about that.

Stumpy pees regularly, it's weird as he is toilet trained, and he used to do it when we were out I put that down seperation anxiety, but he does it even after he has just been out. Have managed to catch him now at least 3 times so at least able to tell him no and take him outside not sure if he is getting it tho. Very odd, always on carpet too, wooden floors everywhere but goes into the one room with carpet to do it. Not always on same place also I am cleaning up with bio washing powder and little bit of bleach and no ammonia etc etc. Yet he can hold on for hours overnight be great for days then one day just does it, quite calmly nothing going on. Was kept in shed for years and was found standing in pee and poo so know where it's coming from, don't know how to fix it. Had him a year now and he has done it on and off all that time. I am doing what I am supposed to when I catch him and praising him outside but sont working

I don't get mad 'cos of his background but it's frustrating



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I was interested to read your post on Stumpy passing urine in the house.  Our girl, Penny has been with us 8 months, and still does the occasional pee indoors.  We consider her house trained as she tells us when she needs to go outside for the loo, no matter what time of day or night it is.  We spent many months, praising & giving treats when doing the toilet outdoors, and we still do!   I have tried to pinpoint what triggers it off and can only come up with the conclusion - a little bit of anxiety or excitement, even though she has sometimes done it right in front of us.  She gets told off and put outside only if she has done it in front of us, as of course the rule is you can't tell a dog off for doing  something hours or so later as they wouldn't understand what they are scolded for.
    I have found diluted white vinegar has helped to clear up the smell on the carpet (one part vinegar to two parts water), and the vinegar smell does not linger.  It acts as a neutraliser. 

Sorry to hear Indiana has done it again on the tree.  Yes, being firm  and sticking to the same routine with bed arrangements I think is the best thing.  Hope you're feeling better soon.



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Jet has been peeing recently too. He is toilet trained but every couple of months he will wee in the house, usually on his bed or sometimes on the laminate floor (thank god!).

I think with Jet it's a territory thing, he did it the other day but we were looking after 2 other dogs and they had already had words re which boy dog was sleeping on his bed! mind you he let the girl dog sleep there no problem. He also pee'd at my mum and dads house the night before last when he was being looked after while I was away. That might be terriroy as he's getting more used to going there and now regarding it as hisplace as well or he might have been a bit nervous.

It's so hard as there are so many different reasons for one type of dog behaivour.



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Okay, someone's going to have to restrain me... Indiana just nicked my rocky road that I dragged myself out of bed to get from peckham's. Right off the plate from the middle of the table. Anyone want him? Cause he's seriously going to get it tonight otherwise... Grrrrrrrr. Just as well he's so handsome cause he wouldn't get away with it otherwise...

Alexis V

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Indiana wrote:

Okay, someone's going to have to restrain me... Indiana just nicked my rocky road that I dragged myself out of bed to get from peckham's. Right off the plate from the middle of the table. Anyone want him? Cause he's seriously going to get it tonight otherwise... Grrrrrrrr. Just as well he's so handsome cause he wouldn't get away with it otherwise...

Remember its not stealing if you leave it at their level!!! I make that mistake all the time, while Mason's not a smart thief, if its there he will have it.
I know its my fault, cos I let him have my plate when I'm done, so if its lying he assumes its his. I did it with the cat, but she wasn't as tall...its taking me a while to remember that!
Its funny, I think of Mason as impeccably house-trained, we have never had an accident in the house and he will happily sleep 12 hours overnight without demanding out, in fact he's only asked out once and it was 4am and he had very bad skits.
Take him into another dog's home though and you can guarantee he will try and mark his presence and has to be watched like a hawk, of late ovens have been a particular target of his, go figure?

Mason's Ma


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Our Maggie still does wees in the house she too can go for ages and do nothing then she goes through a spate of puddling always in the same place,just to one side of the kitchen sink,it's a wooden floor,she also wees if I go out with one of the other house dogs,I can take her out and then take one of the others out and yep there it is a wee.!!!!I put it down to over excitement.When she first arrived she had a liver problem and weed like you have never seen,but shes been checked out and it's not her old problem.hmm.gif




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Indiana wrote:

Okay, someone's going to have to restrain me... Indiana just nicked my rocky road that I dragged myself out of bed to get from peckham's. Right off the plate from the middle of the table. Anyone want him? Cause he's seriously going to get it tonight otherwise... Grrrrrrrr. Just as well he's so handsome cause he wouldn't get away with it otherwise...

That is one seriously brave hound stealing a sick womans chocolatesmile.gif

Katie, Tricia, Lulu, Dust, Sally, Purdy, Scully, Rosa ROLL ON MARCH

Old Hand

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Ally, my pup is a little ****, i've come to the conclusion that she's quite simply not right in the head, i had her out three times yesterday and she did bugger all but sniff about and give me daft looks, so i thought, fair enough she doesnt need.

i brought her back in then decided to take out the rubbish, i was out for 2 minutes and i came back in and she had pissed on the carpet!! i wanted to thump her one, i was furious



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Hiya Everyone

These greys are the cheekiest beasties ever aren't they? So it's not only Stumpy that's a bit naughty. I am going to try that vinegar mix so thanks for that greyluvva. It's happened quite a lot with him especially for the month we lived at my mums in between houses. My poor mammy she was brilliant about it too, treats them like furry grandkids. Anyway he always did it without getting caught but as he has been caught a few times recently maybe just maybe the message will sink in.... tho he is not the sharpest tool in the box. Been over to the beach chucking it down freezing driving rain but that meant we had beach to ourselves and they went NUTS. It was mayhem up and down the sand dunes splashing through the waves, it was brilliant. We are back in front of the fire drying off, and cooking mince for their tea. Oh I love my boys



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It's great when you find yourself enjoying bad weather!

Well, Indiana has gone down the sympathy route. He got a cut on his paw while out running and is now sporting a lovely bandage until Friday. He's the biggest drama queen I know and spent all yesterday whinging for hugs. I tucked him up in a duvet but didn't cave in and allow him on my bed! He's quite happy being waited on but not happy about the lack of long walks. Without a run, his mischevious and thieving nature knows no bounds...

Alexis V


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Yikes, I alway let Rufus on the bed. I know I really shouldn't as per every book I have read ever, but did at first as he was so skinny and bald and sad, and 4 years later it's a bit late to chuck him off. If it was any other breed I think I would have dominance problems with both of them, as me and OH pretty much spoil em rotten. Yes I love bad weather everyone thinks I am mad, on with wellies and one of the assorted anoraks, all with either poo bags or at worst stale treats in the pockets, and off we go. Also if I am feeling low or stressed and even though sometimes I can't be bothered, after walking them I feel a gazillion times better, they make me laugh.And on a different note, my best friend of 30 years is absolutely terrified of dogs, really badly but has loved all my greys and lets them curl up next to her on her bed at night, and she is so relaxed around them she was prepared to come to dog walk on 6th, but couldn't due to family stuff and that. That's how special they all are.



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Jet used to get on the bed as well, he is spoiled rotten! The day we first got him i said to my other half don't let him on the bed. I went out and 1 hour later i got a text showing Jet lying happily on the bed, then to be informed 1 minute later he'd pee'd all over it!

-- Edited by Michelle at 09:10, 2008-02-01



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I've just read this thread with great interest as it seems we have a similiar problem with Morse!

It's our own fault as when he was very ill with his paw a few weeks ago, we let him sleep 2/3 nights in our bedroom. Since he has been demoted back downstairs he has been peeing (in the same place on the carpet) almost every night! The first couple of nights he whined so I knew to let him out but since then he has started peeing, then whining. Usually between 5-6.30am. When i've got up for him at 6.30 it's because the neighbours have disturbed him (they didn't used to get up so early) but it doesn't explain the times when he whines before this time.

I'm pretty sure this is a prime example of giving an inch and him taking a mile since he didn't have a problem before or during the time spent in the bedroom, he has a walk late at night and goes out in the garden (approx midnight) but the real give away is that he wimpers once I've gone back to bed, before he joins Ozzy on the bed in the spare room.

Tonight we're going to close the door to the spare room (although it seems a little unfair to Ozzy!) and tomorrow i'm shopping for vinegar. Any other tips?

Dogs are not intelligent: never trust any animal that is suprised by its own farts!


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But it's just so hard to be tough, or is that just me?




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Don't answer I know it's me. I am a wimp.




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All I can add is that over time things have improved with Indiana. He is still doing the occasional house pee (which he never did prior to full bed access) but it is slowly getting better. I don't let him anywhere in our bedroom now. I have a babygate on the door so he can still see us though. What is now amazing is how he has come to accept this so quickly considering he got up on the bed every morning for over a year. I accidently left the gate open and he didn't attempt to get in whereas before he would rush in at every chance. He would have to be bribed off the bed! I have also noticed a huge difference in his behaviour in general. Less growling, snapping and generally doing as he is told - he's a much nicer dog and I wish I'd done it ages ago. They still get up on the couches because I want the cuddles smile.gif

Alexis V


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We had to ban Jet from the bed in the end as wel, he's good now and does't try to come up anymore, more just for generally letting him know who's boss rether than his behaviour but it's made him behave much better.



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Good how both Jet and Indiana have quickly learnt the new rules.

Morse only really gets on our bed when we're out of it, thankfully, and usually when we're out the house. He likes to sleep on an old futon mattress by the radiator so don't want to ban him (or Ozzy) completely from the bedroom.

Last night both dogs slept downstairs and Morse didn't cry until 6.50am which was a huge result. Unfortunately he had pee'd but i'm now wondering if he is whining to get us up (and him fed) and is in fact peeing a lot earlier in the night?

Have cleaned the area with vinegar but will have to go out and come back in again to smell the difference!

Dogs are not intelligent: never trust any animal that is suprised by its own farts!

Enlightened One

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Mason must be the only greyhound in the world disinterested in getting on the bed when its occupiedweirdface.gif
He has never even attempted it but he has his own duvet on the floor in the bedroom so gets to sleep a few feet away which might be why he's not fussed. Sometimes he gets on the bed once I've got up.
Maybe he figures there's just not room for both of us? Suits me fine thoughsmile.gif

Mason's Ma
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