Not quite sure what to make of this. Auckland SPCA have released what they claim is the first single for dogs only. All the notes on it are supposed to be too high for us, but dogs can hear it fine.
There's a video to go with the song. Tara and Zak didn't react to the music, so I don't know if it's there or not! I wonder what your dogs will make of it?
Nope - I got total disinterest from my three as well. Methinks the person responsible for creating this is taking the proverbial p**s! Sad thing is, there are probably people daft enough to pay money for that!!!
I also call bull s*@% on this one, played it an guess what not even a nano movement or ear twitch from Summer. Maybe our greys are just too laid back, anyone tried it with other pooches?
A very silent song methinks, Lulu was lying right next to my laptop when I put it on she didn't even twitch, but hey if it makes some money for animal rescue why not
Katie, Tricia, Lulu, Dust, Sally, Purdy, Scully, Rosa
We stuck the tune through our audio editing package, and no decibels rate whatsoever - so there's nothing there, as the software picks up even the noises we can't hear like cat and children repellent beepers!