I bet tears will be shed when they go - I just couldn't take it! At least you know they are all going to good homes. Does Bryn have a home yet? He's way too cute to part with
It's hard to see them go, but I know where they are going and they all want lots of attention now, so it's nice to see them going off to be No.1 dog in their new homes. Pups want lots of love and attention and it would be difficult to find time to give all nine of them the time they need (it would be ok if I didn't have to work) Fala, Izzy and Willow seem to have settled in fine. Fala and Willow have another dog for company and Izzy was a loner who didn't enjoy the rough and tumble of the pack when she was here, so she is loving having all the attention and no competition Archie goes away Tuesday and Scribble and Tom Tom go on Wednesday Scribble will live with Tom Tom until he is old enough to fly to Lewis, where he will be staying on a huge estate (with deer) I'll miss Tom Tom, he is such a gentle giant (5.5kg) he looks like a proper thug, but just melts when you touch him. He would cuddle you all day if he could. The Helsinki twins and Bryn will be here for a few more weeks, I don't want to think how quiet it will be when they go PS If anyone needs their garden cleared of vegitation, give me a call. I have a team here that can shred everything. They aren't selective or tidy in their work, but they are hilarious to watch.