On sunday i noticed Rowen had a red patch just under his tail, on closer inspection i found a weeping cut and he has been licking at it all day and night, it is still weeping today so i have made an appointment for the doggy doc, i'm sure he'll be just fine but i felt so sorry for him coz he looks so sad and has no want to get up and play so we've been lying on the floor with him watching tv together, . He's my baby so i want him to be happy and healthy and he's just grumpy and sad at the moment............
well he's not talking to me now....................i offered him a choc drop and he turned his head and walked away, I'M in the dog house now, lol. Anyway he has annal gland probs, and 1 has burst, he's got a cone so he can't get at it but he just rips it off......lol, have med's for him and he'll be back there on fri morning, i hope.
You do worry though when something's wrong or you think that there may be ...
We've had Amelie just over a week now and she's always been very pleased to see us, especially when we get up in the morning but this morning she wasn't the least bit interested ... all we got was a head slightly raised from her bed. She did eat (bolt) her breakfast, as she does every meal time, so we knew that her appetite was fine!
She was very quiet and lethargic all morning and she just wasn't her usual self, which worried me as I wasn't sure what, if anything was wrong. I'm just back however from taking her out for a walk and she was back to her old self, thankfully! The only thing that I can think of as to why she was so quiet this morning was that we had taken her out for a couple of longer walks yesterday afternoon and I think she was just exhausted from that!
As she's still getting to know us, and vice versa, it'll take us a bit to work out what's normal and what's not for Amelie and hopefully we will realise if something is wrong.
It's a learning curve for us just now, oh and lots of joy and fun!
Re the cone, I find that they are a nightmare, if they aren't ripping them off they are bumping into things with them (doorframes in particular) I must admit I never use them and always put a muzzle on instead. Also much comfier for the dog to wear than a cone.
LOL, i know, he's been bumping into everything and his bed is between the 2 sofas so it's a struggle for him to get there with out catching it on the arms, he just pulls it off, so i have given up on that, would put his muzzle on him but he ate it.................he's some boy is my Rowen lol, x
Poor Rowen,I use a muzzle or a neck brace,none of mine were ever happy wearing the lampshade.On the subject of Amelie it may be her hormones I think I read on another thread that she was in season.Some girls do get affected by the change in hormones,worth looking out for.Good luck with her.
Poor Rowen, it sounds like a painful problem for him. I would also go muzzle over cone if possible. It is a worry when you are getting to know your dog, I'm sure my vet was sick of the sight of me - though not my money - the number of times I had Mason there year one. The slightest change in him and I panicked. Of course, the weather's not great just now and Amelie may just have been tired. Sometimes greyhounds just need a lie in! Marie
He is so much better today, playing about with the little 1 on the floor and is talking to me again.......think it's coz i took him out yesterday and got him a new toy and water proof coat........his bum is no longer red and weeping, looks healed but he's back at the doggy doc tomorrow morning for check up, i'm sure all will be well, thanx everyone xx