I'm livid. I went my usual walk up the lane behind the flats when the Spanish water dog came flying at my two all barking and yappy. Fortunately, he was separated from my two by a fence but it didn't stop the pair of mine returning in kind. And what did owner of 'jumped up cost a fortune who needs a water dog in Glasgow's west end anyway' dog say? "Oh, are they viscious?" I swear if I'd had a large stick I'd have hit him over the head with it. Repeatedly.
I know I go through this all the time, owners who smile and nod as their dogs continue to either bark at or sniff around my two making them uneasy, who are on their leads by the way, and of course mine kick off. But everyone seems to glare at my boys, I am so fed up with it, i no longer put Rufus on the lead, he might look intimidating but isn't, so if he stalks towards them, sod it. I just smile and nod. heh heh.
Its incredibly annoying when others don't take responsibility for their dogs. There's a woman at our park with a boxer puppy who runs riot while she stands shrugging her shoulders helplessly and grinning as she pathetically tries to call her. Up until recently Mason has put up with the puppy paws battering him in the face and her attempts to eat his ears, last weekend he decided, as he tends to with puppies, that at nine months its time she learned respect. He growled, he bared his teeth, he snapped. What did his owner do? Zip, continued to watch her puppy jump in his face and torment him. When I said she was going to get a nip she said the pup had already been bitten the week before but 'she doesn't learn" I felt like yelling 'well b***dy teach her then!" Marie
Oh man, I think i know the boxer you mean - I had jet in the park and it ran up to him and was running around annoying him but you know what Jets like, he was going mental so i'm trying to get him calmed down and the boxers owner was doing nothing to control it, worse still she let it run back over to him 10 mins later, how dumb do you have to be, it's just as well Jets muzzled and on a short lead or it would have been shredded boxer.
Oh boxers tend to be bouncy anyway, and for some reason that's the one dog I would'nt let Rufus anywhere near, he just pins them no hesitation, I think they just annoy him. Silly woman, everyone loves them but hardly anyone is prepared for the amount of excercise they need. Poor boxer too, as it will get bitten at some point.
Oh man, I think i know the boxer you mean - I had jet in the park and it ran up to him and was running around annoying him but you know what Jets like, he was going mental so i'm trying to get him calmed down and the boxers owner was doing nothing to control it, worse still she let it run back over to him 10 mins later, how dumb do you have to be, it's just as well Jets muzzled and on a short lead or it would have been shredded boxer.
Yup, that sounds like Ruby, honestly when will people realise that they may be puppies but they still need to have control. Otherwise they end up like the Spanish water dog, out of control and bothering dogs who just want to be left alone, grrrrr
i beat you all, i have a wonderfully anti social dexter, he's civil (at times) and i do make sure he's ALWAYS under my control (i dont want rotties getting any more bad press) and i will admit he's very slow acting when it comes to starting fights but by HELL will he finish one!
just yesterday, when i was out on my morning walk, i had my two off the lead roaming down the railway and i saw a mongrel in the distance so i called my two back and put them on a lead (just out of manners) and my two were as good as gold... they both trotted past this little mongrel without even a snort...
the mongrel on the other hand was the most annoying, pain in the arse, little **** of a dog ive ever come across. it wasnt on a lead and insisted on pestering the **** out of my two. and the owner just walked straight past, not caring, totally ignoring his dog.
so i stopped, shouted on the prick of an owner and quite simply said ""would you like to see what a pissed off rotty could do to your ****ing irritating little **** of a dog?""
i will admit it wasnt the best thing to say, and no it didnt give the breed any good but i just couldnt resist.
it did the job though, the guy came back and put his dog on a lead and dragged its yapping arse away :D
while my two sat quite content at their mummy losing the plot lmao
You're more direct than me! Ruby, the manic boxer was in the park today and Mason was growling, baring teeth etc as usual and her owner continued to do nothing. What makes me mad is that others looking on might think Mason is the aggressive dog cos they see him baring his teeth and barking and kicking off and its so unfair. At daycare they tell me he has a much 'longer fuse' than most dogs with the puppies, and they have a strict policy of not intervening when the dogs have spats unless there is real danger. The problem in the park of course is that Mason is on the lead, so he can't remove himself and I can't let him off, so he's stuck with this psycho bundle tormenting him. Marie
Hahaha, I bet your dogs were sitting quietly mortified. Get where you're coming from though. It's never the dogs really always the people. Actually I always put my two on the lead when I see Rotties, and always always feel bad for it 'cos I just know the owners are thinking it's because of their dogs, but it's because Rufus insists on eyeballing all the biggest blackest dogs and not letting them pass etc etc, and Stumpy charges around them like a loony.
ive nothing against other people putting dogs on leads when they see me coming, i prefer it. cos if the dogs were to kick off it'd automatically be the devil rotties responsible :P