Regarding Roofie's heart issue. The vets rang and they want him in tomorrow for the consultant to scan him on a "dopplar" scanner, and to put an endescope down his throat and to take a biopsy, to check out his cough, which he still has even though on heart tabs. There was shady areas in the x ray y'see. But am all confused. The thing is he's 11, he is doing great otherwise, rampaging all over the beach yesterday as usual and loves his grub, loves us and always ready to play with Stumpy, even though sometimes he'll slow down when it gets too much.
Do I really want to put him into the hated vets for a day again causing more stress, and having him put under again which is always risky, due to age, heart, being a grey etc, not sure what it will do for his quality of life. He's on max Rimadyl, kidneys okay too, so do as much as I can for any arthritic pain.
Waiting for the vet to ring tonight as it was the nurse and she couldn't answer these questions, but I know the vet will come back with a good reason to do it, but I am thinking at what cost? You know it's the same dilemma on his walks do I let him run and play, and he just LIVES for his walks, or do I walk him sedately on the lead and he will be miserable but less aches later and better for his ticker? I choose to let him play
We are covered by insurance so cost not an issue here at all, even though it's.... £500.
i think it's a hard 1, not sure what i'd do if it was Rowen, think it's best to ask the vet all the questions you can think of and explain about your concerns, a good vet will answer all your questions and give you the best advice for your dog. Ask if they can do as much as they can without putting him under..... see what he says, i wish you luck, hugs and kisses to the boy xoxoxoxoxo
My heart does go out to you! You have a real dilemma here! My dogs all love going to the Vet, but even then they don't exactly want to be left there for the day. It must be so much worse for both of you if your dog hates it.(I once had a rescue Gold Ret. whose back legs shook and it was heartrending!). All you can do is prepare your million and one questions ready for the Vet's call. Top of my list would be what do they think they might find and is there something practical/life enhancing that can be done about it?
As for the walks, if my dog loved these so much and didn't seem to really suffer for it afterwards, I think I'd be like you and choose to let him play and be a happy dog!
I'm fortunate enough to have a vet who I've always found very helpful with past and present pets. Ask every question you can and weigh it up over night. I'm sorry you are facing such a tough decision. Marie
Sorry to hear about Rufus, do ask everything you can and then you can make a decision based on what has been explained. All the very best with whatever you decide. Hugs to Rufus Nora
Well it's (9pm and the vet hasn't phoned yet, even though I called to chase it up at 7). Busy clinic I know but still don't know what the consultant thought of his xrays. So whatever the outcome it's not happening tomorrow. Thanks for getting back though, watch this space. Hmm no GA tomorrow, then i think Roofie gets some chicken for supper.
Well the vet was great after all that, agrees with us that no need to put him through it if we don't have to, so just monitor him and take him for regular check ups. Yippee
As for the letting him run around, I would do that as well. If it is something he loves I suspect that he would rather do that and be happy even if he is a bit stiff later.
Thanks again for your kind thoughts you lot. Hope the walk goes well tomorrow. Roofie chilled tonight, full belly had a quick walk in rain an hour ago, so warm, and cozy now.