Wednesday 1st June would be the best date for us. Steve is on holiday then and I can just scoot straight to Sha's place after work - takes care of the commuting/walking/feeding palaver.
Nicki - we could arrange the session so that Janie is done at 8pm, if you like? You'd miss out on hearing everyone else's readings but we promise to tell you all the juicy details.
AND!!! Forgot to say, I kept myself awake in the dead of night last night thinking about this and what the lady had told Dave and Glenda and wondering about what she'd tell us about our two. Am very tired today......
Shall i go ahead and book Wed 1st of June then??? Is everyone ok with this date??
I have to call Anne tomorrow.
I know its hard trying to juggle work, kids, house, partner but hey this kinda thing is a one off!! I`m sure it will be really interesting and such fun.
Nicki, don`t worry if you can`t make it for 6pm - come soon as you can, Janie can go last if you like, you never know you might get there earlier!
Sha x
p.s. Ann expects 6 dogs to turn up. If anyone has to pull out please let me know at least a week before, to be fair to Anne. Thank you.
That's great Sha thanks. Might be a bit late due to kids etc but will be there asap (not sure whether me or Phil will be going will warn him to behaive tho!)
Thats great Sha, will def be there at some point. if I can be the last in the line that would be great, will get there as soon as I can just hope we not going to be too busy.
My guess is that Pearly will tell us she wants sardines on every meal and she doesn't like Harry barging into her and stopping her from running and taking up all the space in the car - and that she's scared of the hoover of course.
Harry on the other hand will say stop making me "stay" before food and give me more grooming. He might say sorry for the strong eggy pumps?
Wed 1st of June it is then!!!! I have confirmed this with Anne.
Cant wait!!!
I mailed Anne and asked her if she could help "Maisie" - she said "of course" Really hope she can tell Maisie she is safe now, not to be scared, nobody will ever hurt her - fingers crossed.
Can't wait! I often sit and tell Harry that he's safe here with us and we'll never hurt him (Pearly already knows it, given that we've almost had her a year - eeeeeek!!). How wonderful to think that Anne might be able to confirm that for us.
Sha - anything we need to bring, apart from general nibbles and wine?
Thanks Fiona, don`t need to bring anything apart from the dogs!
Paul thinks i`v def flipped!, he laughed his head off when i told him about our "evening" - my daughter thinks i should get a life & not a doggy one!!! what do they know pleh!!!
Does this woman do small animals too? I'd really like to know what my rats are trying to tell me, although usually it's just "Let me out" or "feed me"!
Im starting to worry - sometimes Murphy looks at me in such as distainful way that gets me quite paranoid....if he says anything nasty, like stop feeding me spag bog or stop taking me for 2hrs walks - oh & I hate all those cuddles & kisses, then Ill be shoving him head first down that green monster at agility class weither he bloomin well screams like a girl or not!!
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...
I will follow this site with great, great interest. I remember, not so long ago, that there was a woman on t.v. who could do this animal-whispering. I only wish that we (my mum, sister & I) had met her when we had our mad mongrel, Farkas (Hungarian for wolf - & that so described his bizarre hot & cold behaviour) who was so confused. What's even worse is that the number for Anne Dee is that of Ayr, where I lived - grrr.
Anyway, enough of the past and our dog - mind you, I don't suppose she can do medium-ship for those dogs who have passed?!
Sorry, wasting your time here. I and no doubt handfuls of others will be interested in knowing how you all get on next Wed. 1 June - please, please update his information. We are eagerly anticipating your "visits".
Everyone still ok for 1st June?? Hope so. I will e-mail Anne early next week just to confirm things with her again. I`m not sure if Anne accepts cheques, due to the fact she does not know us, i think prob not, perhaps better bring cash just incase (£40).
I can't wait to hear how this pans out - it's fascinating stuff. I do hope she's able to help Maisie, I keep looking at her on the website, she looks so sweet. It would be lovely if she could unload some of her "baggage".
yes me and janie will still be there, soo looking forward to it, is exciting and scary all at the same time. I will def be late as working so if we can still be last that would be good.
So very pleased everyone can still make it. Anne is coming to my house at 6.30pm.
Really looking forward to seeing everyone and their dogs again. Nicki - don`t worry about being late, you can def go last.
My cats will be well hidden in my daughters bedroom. Don`t think Paul will be around (non believer, pleh:) think he will be playing golf, for a change!!!!