On saturday I had Jet outplaying in our local park and he hurt his paw. He appears to have bent the nail and it seems to be pulled out from the nail bed. He has been seen by the vets and now on tabs to avoid infection but I wondered if any of your dogs have had the same and how it heald? Will it fall out naturally or in some way reattach itself? I know this seems like a stupid thing to ask but I really don't know!!
He appears to be able to walk on it as he gets on/off the couch on it ans up/down the stairs but when we take him out for walks he's taken to hopping around on 3 legs. Even the vet thought he was being 'oversensitive' to the pain which I think is short for being a little b***r and thinking exaggerated wounds = sympathy treats. He was funny today, he saw a dog ahead of him and he usually goes beserk on seeing another dog, well he was hopping along like Skippy on speed trying to get it, though if he's that sore god knows what he thought he'd do if he actually reached it, make it laugh itself into his mouth.
Poor Jet. Two of Tigerlily's nails have fallen out on separate occasions. I've no idea when or where it happened. Eventually it looks like another nail is growing in and she limps a bit until it falls out again. This is ongoing and apparently something we will always have to deal with according to the vet because what is growing back is not actually a nail - just some hard stuff?? Jet must be sore if he was still limping after the dog - surely he can't be that good an actor?! Mind you, if he is you should sign him up to the agent Rachel's dog is with I hope it heals soon x
I thought that as well and felt we might be doing him an injustice by thinking he's pretending but he managed to jump over a big puddle and land perfectly well on two paws and he has been up/down on the bed, sofa and stairs using both paws so I don't know.
Oh and earlier on he went for about 5 steps holding up the other leg!!!!
Although in fairness it must be hurting him a bit as it's in such an akward place, my poor dog.
Poor Jet, a painful injury and no sympathy I have a theory that greyhounds like athletes are over aware of any injury to their feet or joints because they have been bred to race and it has been their livelihood. Mason is ridiculously sensitive about any knock to his joints and my vet has suggested he is 'over reacting' on occasions, cuts and bruises to his torso and injections are simply shrugged off however. Marie
Actually that is a good theory, That is exactly what Jet is like, he didn't care about the injections he got at the same time when we went to the vet and when he get's cuts bruises, he doesn't bat an eyelid. Poor Jet, I feel bad about doubting him now but my OH has been making up for my doubt by spoiling him rotten this week.
Poor Jet, he deserves a bit of spoiling. Stumpy broke his toe in November and even now still hold his leg up flailing it around like a conductors baton when he is excited, god knows why he is in no pain with it. Oh and when I first got Rufus and he hurt his foot when we were out and came limping back to me screaming, I nearly passed out thinking it was broken. Nothing there. The seasoned Greyhound owner I was walking with said very drily "yeah you better get used to that,'appens a lot" so i rubbed his leg, kisses his head and of he ran, happy.
my lurcher was a huge pansy, he bumped his leg on a stone step and screamed the place down until i came out, i thought he'd had a limb chopped off, as soon as he saw me he came up for a cuddle then ran away again... i find greys to be the biggest bunch of cry babies ever thought of.
Just to back my theory Mason was picked up from daycare this morning - he had a sleepover last night while I was out - and when I asked how he had been Sarah said everything had been fine until this morning when he leapt in the van before she had the door open properly, caught his paw and screamed for a full five minutes. She said she was left holding his head in an effort to calm him as he opened his mouth and just screeched continuously, probably to the horror of all her neighbours, who she is now convinced think she is some kind of animal torturer. A few minutes later he was in the field with her as she fed her horse, racing around like nothing had happened. There's no sign of any damage and he's not even limped since I brought him home, and I've been watching like a hawk. Drama queen Marie
Hooray!! Jet's nail fell off naturally and despite the little wound, he's jumping around and being much more like his usual cheeky self. He is walking well on both legs except when he remembers and starts hopping.
Where did it go...the nail. Not dropped into your cup of tea or something like that. Rufus had a dangly mole thing (yuk) and vet put a band round it so it would just drop off. It did on the bed, OH was freaking, I picked it up and chased him round the room with it. Kept it for a day or two just bringing it out to bug OH.. Keep him on his toes.