OK, so I am begining to loose count of the weeks, but only because the boy is such a joy to have around. He seems to only have a few functions including eating, sleeping, doing the loo and the best of all, grinning!! He is just such a happy boy and enjoys life.
Close by there is a secure area which is about 100metres by 5 metres and he has been running back and forth. When down the far end, all you have to do is catch his eye and he comes running back with a big grin. Brook has been running along side him which is also really good to see, as she doesn't 'play' with other dogs.
Anyway, I know all you want is pictures, and also threw in one of the cats.
Brook with ass in air
The resident felines - Sadie (orange), Pepper (front) Missy (back)
Well, there has been progress. Eugene was lying on the couch and one of my cats came in wandered back and forth a couple of times and Eugene just stared. May have been he was too comfortable to move, but I did use the 'leave it' command. But I know that when I go to take him for a walk, if he sees the cat run or that he will get exited and probably want to catch it. (PS Pepper is the brave cat who walks into living room with Eugene around).
I think Eugene around cats is manageable and with a lot of work and effort I'm sure it would get easier, but would never trust him without supervision around the small furries.
Congratulatios to Branston who seems to have sparked a flurry of activity on the homing front, if you have read the post you may also have seen that Eugene will hopefully be going to his forever home soon too!!
He certainly deseves it as he is a great dog and I'm sure he will continue to progress in his new family, although I will be sad to see him go, it will be back to normality for the cats!! Ha ha.
Oh these are amazing... Between this and Branstons post it is really hammering home the benefits of fostering.. Whenever Rufus goes ( and as he has promised to live until he is 30, it will be in 19 years) I have been discussing with OH about this being the next step. But how too let them go, not sure I could, but something to think about.
Great pictures of Eugene grinning and roaching at the same time! Hope to hear some good news for him on the home front. He's a lovely big boy and you've done a great job helping him to become less timid!
wow so pleased to see the big man looking so happy well done and in so short a time too. Fostering really rocks all you foster mums are so special. Thankyou for all you do. Hope one day I would be brave enough but not for a long while yet.