I thought we would post a little update on Arwen, who came to live with us in September. You will have known her as Jenny, but Arwen is a more fitting name for her :)
She shares our home with our other two Dogs: Boston a 13 year old Dobermann cross and Freya a 5 year old Alsatian/staffie cross. All three get on great, and the two girls have really bonded, Arwen is like Freyas shadow and is always trotting after her, while Freya is like Arwens Mum and is very protective of her. Arwen is a very gentle quite(and lazy) girl, with the most adorable Audrey Hepburn doe eyes (these are a great tool for getting out of trouble). She is a very bright girl who as picked the pack mentality up very quickly, and knows fine well that a paw an a kiss will get you a treat. She still gets confused when the other two go running to chase the postman, dont think guard duty is for her :)
I have attached a photo and a little video clip of the girls playing
And our sofa, but don't worry we do supply guests with blankets to sit on the floor :)
Look at those photos you are right about the Audrey Hepburn eyes. and the pic on the couch is gorgeous. You have three very contented pooches by the looks of it. And yes I am the same two big couches and a chair = cat on the chair a dog on each couch people on the floor, I have very understanding friends. More pics please.
Will post more photos and videos in the coming weeks. The two hounds are camera shy so it can be a hard task!
We have only started letting Arwen off the lead, and in a few weeks she'll have her 3rd holiday to Whitby so can't wait to let her off on the beach for a long run.
Also, Arwen completed a walk on Whitby beach in October to raise money for the Whitby dog rescue. The three dogs managed to rasie £40 for the rescue centre, sadly I'd scan the certifictes to show you but they have my us humans names on them too
They had black grey girl who looked like Arwen's twin they tried to get us to rehome, which as tempted as I was didn't. Our vet thinks we need to get a small holding for the amount of dogs we want to rehome
Hello, I'm abit late too - boy does Arwen look just so lovely with the other 2! It's so great to hear how well they all settled in! I'll let Arwen's foster dad, Steve know how well they are all getting on!
Keep us posted with more photo's and let us know how she did on your holiday! That's nice to hear you raised some £ for hounds too!