My brother is thinking about having is 8year old lurcher, Kendal, castrated. He has heard that you can have your dog "chemically castrated" - has anyone heard of this and how successful is it? I mean, is it as effective as a "normal" castration? Does the dog need to stay on medication for life, or does everything shrivel up?!!
Any advice gratefully accepted!
Who's more foolish - the fool, or the one who follows him?
Hi Sharon, from what I've read about a Chemical Castration it seems to only be a temporary measure, basically the dog is given drugs which reduce the testosterone levels.
I've read about it mostly on behavioural sites where they will often advise to have a male dog chemically castrated if it's aggressive or marking, the results of the chemical castration can then be analysed with a view to getting the dog 'properly' done if a good behavioural change is seen.
Additionally whilst undergoing a chemical castration the dog is actually still 'capable' (but probably won't be bothered!)
I haven't read anywhere that a chemical castration is a permanent measure.....
Just thought I would let you know that poor old Kendal was "done" 2 weeks ago! He's such a big baby, that eventually the vet phoned my brother and asked him to pick him up asap as they couldn't stop him crying! As soon as Michael walked in he shut up! He had his stitches out on Thursday and seems to be ok.
Does anyone know how long they would expect to wait to see if the op will stop him spraying everywhere?
Who's more foolish - the fool, or the one who follows him?
Hi Sharon, you should hopefully see the effects soon however it can take up to a couple of months for things to 'kick in'. If he's still spraying after that then his problem may be behavioural..