Its official, I'm starting my new job in Glasgow on June 1. Now its just panic as I try to sell my flat and buy a new one in ten weeks plus thinking about the boy. I haven't told him yet. Its been a serious weigh up of the opportunity of living in a house with a proper fenced back garden for him to run around in and - hopefully gain a playpal, against staying in Edinburgh with the dog daycare centre where he has certainly thrived. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed he will adapt. He is a pretty laidback boy and I'm sure once we are away from our current flat where each time the neighbour's door opens he expects them to come and see him, he will settle. And if the worst comes to the worst I know a very good dogsitter in Rutherglen I'm looking forward to joining the Strathclyde Park walks but will miss the Holyrood set. Keep your fingers crossd things go smoothly in the coming weeks. It should be an exciting time! Marie
That's exciting Marie; a new house and a new pal for Mason! Can't wait to find out who his new buddy will be come the summer! Do you have your eye on Mason's potential new best pal yet? you can tell us, we're good at keeping secrets!
don't envy you the houseselling part though, trying to go for shopping and work out what you can have for tea that won't smell before viewers come round is a job in itself! . it'll all be worth it though to have a garden for your boy (oh, and you! ) to romp around in come the summer.
Do you know where you'll be looking to move to in Glasgow yet?
I'm so excited that you're coming to Glasgow! Lots of playdates hopefully I'll be able to show you our favourite walks and I have a new dog sitter who is great. He helps out whenever I need it and will randomly call me up and ask to take them out! What area are you thinking of moving to?
Both my dogs that have been involved in house moves in the past have adapted very well. TBH, as long as they're with "mum" they don't care where they are. I did notice that they seemed very happy with the enclosed garden. I've no doubt in my mind that Mason will be happy as long as he's with you.
Hope we hear the patter of a second set of paws soon. Good luck with selling your flat and the move.
I'm looking around the Rutherglen/southside area. My folks are in Bothwell (Strathclyde Park) and my young nephew and niece are in Shawlands so somewhere in between would be nice - and anywhere that gets me to the office, which is down on the waterfront by the squiggly bridge, while avoiding going on that motorway in the morning is a must for my sanity. It'll be nice to live somewhere with a dog park and I am definitely up for playdates Marie
Good luck with the move,does that mean we will get to see more of Mason and yourself,? that would be great,summer is a good time to move,decent weather,hopefully,lol,light nights ,and the garden to chill in with something long and cool to drink in between unpacking and deciding where to put the important stuff like Masons sofa!!!keep us posted on how it goes.
Same from me Marie, be good to see you for walks when you can. If you do get a friend for Mason you must tell us as soon as possible, all the very best in your move Shhhhhhhhh I won,t tell Mason. Nora
Yes, you should still come and see Edinburgh once in a while Good luck on the house move, we're also moving in 2 weeks and I'm hoping Jet will be ok - i'm sure as long as they are with their humans there will be no problems. Though I'm expecting a bit of weeing - anyone any tips on how to help dogs settle into new surroudings?
Gor blimey I have just done this. Don't wash the duvets/beds for ages before and put them down where you think you want them to stay, at least for the first wee while. All toys and stuff that have all the smells on them too, can be dotted about. Get the routine sorted as soon as poss. Stumpy peed for a bit but after a while of "Stumpy No" and taking him out he has not done it for ages, however he is a bit naughty so might still happen. Don't change anything else like food and the like. This is a biggy I think, and hard to do, but when you first move take a few days off to be with him and get used to the place with him. But I am sure that as long as you are there he will be fine. Our dogs mostly have been through a lot before so moving WITH his loved ones will be a doddle compared to it.
Funnily enough Mason hasn't had one accident since he came to me. He pees in everyone else's house but has never done it here and the place must have smelled of my old cat. Every time I moved with her she spent the first few days under my duvet - the smell was clearly familiar and comforting. My hope is to board Mason at daycare over the move so he's not stressed by the actual disruption and have a few days at home with him once we're in, fingers crossed. The question will be when to introduce a pal and how to wean him off 24 hour human company. I'm thinking it will be a gradual back to basics but we'll play it by ear. He's boarding at daycare tonight - I'm off to Munich in the morning for a few days R&R before it all gets stressful again!
TBH Jet's not bad but he seems a bit territorial and has a tendancy once he's settled in a bit to leave his mark on a place. Hopefully if his stuff is there he won't be too bad but who knows? If he does it'll right itself in a few weeks.
Its bizarre that Mason never had a desire to pee in my home since he came because I had a cat in the flat for nine years before I had him and I am sure the carpet is 75% cat hair. What is strange is that my cat's old Harrods bed, which I couldn't bear to get rid of when she died was lying in the livingroom and I was fully prepared for Mason to rip it to shreds, instead he uses it as a pillow Its odd, but to me kind of karma. My cat was incredibly aggressive and nuts, Mason hates cats, but I think if they met they would have got on because of their ' unique' understanding that they were not animals. I find it inexplicable that a dog that hates cats adopts my cat's bed as his pillow, bizarre. Any ideas?
You will have the smell of the cat on you too. Just by sitting on /etc, surfaces that your cat touched. So he will no doubt associate that smell with you. He will just think his Mum is lovely but smells a bit like a cat, but doesn't hold it against you. heh heh.
You will no doubt be away by now but have a great time.
I'm not very good with the south side being from across the river myself! But your work is only a stone's throw from me Enjoy the R&R cause you'll need it before the move