Today I noticed that Jet's dew claws and one of his front paw nails seemed to be damaged. They look like they've shrivelled up (for want of a better description) or that the nail has come off? it's kind of gone really thin and white?
I wondered if anyone elses dog had suffered this and if it was a serious thing? He does not appear in any pain because of it but to happen to all three at roughly the same time seems strange, we've had no nail issues before (except that he pulled one out about 2 weeks ago but that's healing now).
I thought i'd ask here first as Jet is petrified of the vet and they said (when they looked at the torn out nail) that to look proerly he'd need sedated which i'm reluctant to do unless it's really necessary.
I'm sorry to hear that Michelle, I have no idea what that could be, I could speculate it might be a fungal infection but really would be guessing. Sounds like a vet visit is necessary for poor Jet, unless anyone else can shed more light on it. Will keep fingers crossed its has a simple explanation. Marie
Make sure if Jet does have to go under you ask them to check all his nails and sort them all out while he is under, so he doesn't have the stress of having to get other dew claws cut at another date! Just a tip Hope everything's okay Marie
Wondered how Jet was doing? Cas has to get sedated when she gets her claws clipped so I always get them to give her a good going over while she is under. Hope all is well. Nora