I was contacted by Lanarkshire radio L107, which is on 107.5fm. They want me to come to the studio on Wednesday morning to plug the disco and psychic event, which I am organising to raise money for the kennel fund.
As is usual when I am organising an event, I contact radio stations, as well as having the event put in the Hamilton Advertiser. Of course, all of this is free!! Which is a huge plus and very welcome.
So tune in at 10.30am on Wednesday 23 April.
Oh! And if you still don't have a ticket for the 60's/70's disco, then just turn up. You will be very welcome.
Albeit I was a bit on the nervous side before I left the house. But a small amount of Valerian sorted out the nerves and off I went!
I was on air for about 5 minutes and gave a short resume on what GAL's objectives are.
I plugged my 2 forthcoming events and also asked if anyone had blankets or towels they wanted rid of then we would happily take them.
The Lanarkshire Radio staff were extremely nice and have invited me back any time I have an event in the locality.
I also managed to sell 2 of the new mugs that I have ordered, so that just leaves 502 left in my hall now! So I just might be able to get out of the front door tomorrow!
Many thanks to Lanarkshire 107.5fm, the air time was much appreciated.
Well done Joyce, these things are nerve-wracking and I'm sure you got our message across well. I wish I had heard it and will also be checking their website. Marie