I'm writing to ask if anyone has had any experience with their dogs having swollen wrists.
Luca my lurcher, who's about five, developed a badly swollen wrist about two-and-a-half weeks ago. (If you imagine a human wrist, it's like the equivalent of the knobbly bone that sticks out on the outside.) The strange thing is that it appears to actually be the bone that's swollen, rather than tissue, but I think that doesn't really make sense.
We took him to the vet straight away, who was somewhat puzzled because, although he doesn't seem to be able to bend his wrist back as well as he should, and despite the swelling, he is in absolutely no pain whatsoever. The vet thought he had maybe sprained it and talked about a possible growth in the joint, but said that these things were usually painful. Luca was given a course of anti-inflammatories (sp?), which he's still taking and have done no good. He is due back at the vet's on Thursday, when I'm suspecting it's X-ray time. Any suggestions/possible quick fixes folks?
P.S. I'm incredibly sensitive and scare easily. Please be nice.
Visited vet's today, who has come up with the theory that, because his bone seems to be swollen, Luca is getting a build up of calcium at the joint. Vet thinks that, because it's growing out the way and not in the way, Luca should be A ok for now, although we have to take him straight back if he begins to have any further probs.