This details the funding being issued by the BGRF for 2005. The BGRF is the British Greyhound Racing Fund, it basically administers the money received by the racing industry fom the bookies. If you read the article you'll see that the RGT will this year receive £1.3 Million from the fund this year to carry out their work.
I'm kinda in two minds on this one, I'm glad that so much money is being distributed to a Greyhound Rescue organisation however I'm a bit peev'ed that the money is only distributed to the RGT and not to any other Greyhound charities.
Obviously the RGT is a UK wide charity with lots of 'sub' branches based at each NGRC stadium, I'm not too sure how many of these branches there actually are however I'm sure the £1.3 million is enough to go around.
My point here is there's more Greyhound rescue organisations than just the RGT. Take GAL for example (OK, I'm baised) compared to the RGT sub branch at Shawfield (OK before I start this is by no means meant to be an attack on the RGT Shawfield, we do from time to time work with them and will continue to do so) GAL received last year £19K in donations and 'earned' £37K in sales and fundraising, a mere drop in the ocean compared to a share of £1.3 million.
Last year GAL rehomed 197 Greyhounds & Lurchers, this is more dogs in 12 months than the RGT Shawfield have homed since they were set up in August 2002. Remember GAL rehome Grehounds from all 5 'flapping' tracks in Scotland plus dogs from Shawfield, we also rehome abandoned and stray Greyhounds as well, the RGT Shawfield will only rehome dogs that have actually run at Shawfield.
The point I'm trying to make is I think it's about time for a change in the BGRF policy to only give money to the RGT, remember a dog racing at a flapping track or found as a stray has probably been through a lot more than it's more talented sibling who's raced under NGRC rules. A Greyhound is a Greyhound after all.
OK, rant over and to reiterate this is by no means meant as an attack on the hard working folk at the RGT Shawfield.
Dave can this be taken further, without treading on anyones toes or trying to undermine the good work that others do, in order to highlight the work that GAL do? As you say, there is plenty of money to go round everyone, and with GAL's record of rehoming surely this must be recognised, having said that I'm a novice when it comes to the 'politics' of the money distribution.
Hi Dawn, I've today sent a nice email off to the BGRF asking nicely about the potential of financial assistance from then for GAL....will keep you posted on any response..
Hi all, got the following reply from the BGRF today from my appeal to them for some money -
Thank you for your enquiry and for telling us about your organisation. At the moment the Fund is not able to respond to the many individuals and groups who organise rehoming schemes for ex-racers. This is because our major effort is directed towards the RGT and there are no other budget headings under which one-off requests can be heard. I am sorry to disappoint you on this occasion but wish you well with your fundraising efforts.
I don't think they really got the point that I was not asking for a one off grant, I want GAL and other Greyhound rescue organisations to be awarded part of the money which they only give to the RGT, anyways I've replied to them this space. cheers Dave
any further news Dave?? Im sure if you gave us a skeletal letter to work from ie pointers on what to say - we could probably lobby the BGRF en mass...??
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...
received this response from the BGRF today, guess this is their final word on the matter...
I'm sorry, but as mentioned, we are not able to respond to this because there is no available budget. We have a high commitment to greyhound welfare issues but cannot cover all enterprises.
Oh, yes, I see... They are right, 0.4% is a very high level of committment. We should be grateful they even had the money to respond to our e-mail...
If 0.4% works out to £1.3 Million, and this is a high committment, then maybe we should accept a much lower committment of, say just £100 000. They wouldn't notice it missing, but it would make the world of difference to us, and to the thousands of dogs which their industry disgards every year.
It is organisations like GAL which pick up the pieces and these folk free-ride on our hard work by claiming a "high level of committment to greyhound welfare issues..." Take a look at the RGT homing figures. They do a good job, but if that were all the dogs that got rehomed I doubt the "welfare" record would be looking so rosy... High level of committment???