We've been keeping the doggies separated by a doggy gate when we are not in - just cos Harry gave Pearly a few wee nips Pearly's fault as she has a black belt in annoying other dogs!
Anway - left Harry in the kitchen as usual, with the gate closed, and Pearly in the hall so that they coud see each other. Folks went round this morning - both dogs together, gate open and nearly all the doors in the house open too!
Dave - did Harry live with a locksmith before?
Still - they were happy together - waggy tails and all that.
Perharps a change of name from Happy Harry to Harry Houdini! Sounds as though you better find some VERY high shelves to put his food in. He will be opening the cupboards next!
We have to keep Luca and Eilidh separated by a dog gate when we're out because they carry on a wreck the place. However, when we first got Eilidh we used it to stop her having a go at Luca when we were out because she was a nippy wee sweetie.
Funnily enough a similar thing happened to us as happened with Harry and Pearly. I came home from work one day and to my horror instead of one doggy face at the door I saw two. I went in, expecting to find blood and guts everywhere, but no, like you, I only found open gates and doors.
Whatever differences they had, must've been settled that day. I don't know what happened and I don't want to, but they have been best pals ever since!! Probably the best thing that could've happened them.
We've left them both together today for the first time on their own to see whether they can behave themselves - fingers crossed. We decided not to do up the kitchen for another year just in case!