Given my mild phobia of germs, there are loads of things in this world that I never envisaged myself doing, even under extreme duress. However, since getting Pearly and now Harry, it is amazing the things that I do voluntarily in the pursuit of their wellbeing:
1. Picking up poo and carrying a bag of it around for ages for all to see.
2. Not falling down dead in a heap when said poo goes on my hands and under my nails......
3. Uttering the words "that's better, darling" when Pearly had just been copiously sick on the landing, giving me a big steaming pile to clean up.
4. Searching through a pile of sick to check for a chicken bone that Pearly had ingested when the little minx stole a cooked chicken thigh from my plate and swallowed it whole.
5. Opening up a poo bag to determine whether it was poo or sick that one of them deposited on the kitchen floor yesterday (Steve's folks weren't sure which it was).
6. Wiping Pearly's bum and legs when she had nasty, uncontrollable projectile diarrhoea and squirted it all down herself.
7. Wiping Harry's p!shy legs when he widdles on himself.
What's the yukkiest thing that you've done for your dogs? Share the yuk and tell your stories!!!
I Managed to advoid this claiming it should be a man to man thing but when Blue was having a lot of problems befor he was neutered he had a bad discharge from a certain part.
phil had to use a syringe to squirt saline water in and then squeeze the water out
Because my Ruby is always constipated, she eats loads of grass (she can graze for ages). Unfortunately, she swallows the grass whole and I find that when she's "been", there are long strands of grass hanging out of her bottom, usually heavily coated with poo, which I just LOVE to pull out for her!!!!!!!!!!
Has your dog ever done a 'poo' then come into the house slightly agitated and started rubbing it's bum on the carpets? You then take a look at the rear end and discover there's a blade of grass (or possibly something else) still 'sticking out' and you know if just needs to be pulled out...yuk.
So far these are all crap related, but one of the most disgusting things I have ever done - for one of my cats, not dogs - was squeeze out an abcess on my 16 year old Siamese cat's bum. Almost certainly caused by a bite by another cat! I ask you - what kind of chap bites a girl on the bum when she's running away! (Could be a whole other topic).
quite happy to clean up doggie poop new p/t job is as a care assistant in a human hospital - just had my 2nd ever night shift - whole new experience cleaning up human poop - all over beds/bodies/nighties etc, vomit, wee all over beds/floors...have come to terms with it all quite quickly but had to clean some old guys dentures & gagged something rotten doing them...bleee
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...
Pearly was straining to pass what I thought was the tail-end of a plop. It was stuck there and she just couldn't shift it so I got in about with a poo bag to help her out. I pulled gently, thinking it would slide off easily. No luck. More gentle pulling later, and a 2" bit of duvet wadding covered in plops was in my hand. Yum! I just leuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrve my doglets.
fortunately, i haven't yet had the dubious pleasure of poking around in dave or daisy's bottoms but we did have a staffordshire bull terrier stay with us for a while - he used to digest his pink blanket. nuff said !