Wee Murphy deserves a medal...was working at the vets today & we had a collie who was very ill - ended up needing an emergency blood transfusion
Up steps Murphy (ok poor b*gger didnt have a choice but it was an emergency...)
One bag of blood later & collie looks hopeful to pull thro the night...Normal dogs take an hour or so to recover, poor Murph was still staggering about the sugery reception 4hrs later looking like he had been bitten on the jugular by a vampire (had to go in twice as he dried up) - no sign of Harry tho....
Bless his wee cotton sox....
Big round of applause for his 1st donation!!!
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...
Hiya - the collie (whos only 3) has an auto-immune problem where his red blood cells are destrying themselves....not sure he'll pull thro to be honest...
They took about 1/2 a pint off Murph, they would have taken a bit more but his veins dried up...
Got a very bruised neck now but arnica has brought it out brilliantly & taken the swelling away really quickly. At least I can get his collar on now without him crying ....his dinner of chicken freid rice that night made up for all the torture! :)
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...
Sad news...the poor Collie passed away on Saturday night....
Unfortunately by the time a dog needs a blood transfusion you are really clutching at straws & the outcome usually isnt good...at least the vets tried their very best & we helped to play a very small part. Such a shame - he was such a handsome boy, but at least his misery & suffering is over & he can play happily with his friends at Rainbow Bridge now....
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...
One of the senior surgeons apprached me in the morning as I was working in the mediacl wards at Glasgow Vet School & said - " you have GHs dont you!"....erm - yes. Why?
Turns out the 4 resident GHs at GVS had all given blood within the previous 6wks so couldnt be used again, there were 3 dogs urgently needing blood transfusions that day. One was critical - she would be dead by the end of the day if she didnt get one....cant argue with that so I volunteered Murf straight away (would NEVER volunteer Mais - shes been thro enough in life).
I brought him in & they took a sample of blood from his jugular for testing for a cross match. I helped process some of his blood in the laboratory to check for any anaemia etc - very interesting, although somewhat disappointing his blood was red and not blue like the royal family...
An hour later & the match came back as fully compatable with the poor dog waiting at deaths door...YAY!!!!
Murf & Maisie were put into a wee side room for peace (had to bring Mais as she freaks if she looses sight of her man...bless). Murf was injected with sedative - never cried one throughtout the whole thing - unlike last time - Im sure he was putting on a brave face for his little sister this time!
20 mins later & his wee legs were buckling under him so he was placed onto the table & they started to drain him. 15 mins later & they had 600mls which was just enough needed for the transfusion. Wee Maisie stood at the side of the table the whole time transfixed on him.
The vet then set up IV fluids for Murf to replace the lost blood volume & left me with them whilst that ran through. Murf was sparked out on the table big style! Wee sis kept standing up with her front paws on the table edge & giving his face licky kisses to make sure he was ok It really brought a lump to my throat watching her - she was really quite concerned about him bless her...
about 40 mins later Murf managed to stand on his own & I put them both into the car & we went home. 6hr later......he was STILL staggering around as if a bit tipsy...poor lad ! Most dogs who are sedated this way are bright & well again within the hour - thats twice now Murf has taken about 6hrs to come good!
Typical boy - milking it big style
Went into GVS yesterday to find that the Rottweiler the blood was given to had pulled through & was doing well!!! She had been brought in with severe toxic shock - a seriously, seriously touch & go situation - turned out, when they opened her up that they found a swab in her abdomen from an op at her own vets 10 days prior!!!!! It has festered & basically poisoned her entire body. A good flush out, a host of drugs, and some very special GH blood later & SHES ALIVE!!
Im so proud of me wee hero!
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...
He's an absolute corker, so he is. And well done to you for letting him be a blood donor. I think your average punter would be scared for their own dog's health - I know I would be with Harry and Pearly. It's a very caring and unselfish thing for you and Murphy to do.
I'm really pleased to hear that the rottie has pulled through. I wonder if next time her family take her for a walk she'll suddenly shoot off at 40 mph with all that luscious houndie blood coursing through her system!
Murphy, we all so proud of you. Side-kick, Iluska can't even talk about blood and we had to stop her sliding off her seat from just reading the marvels of Murph.
Well done you and I hope you are feeling so groggy, doggy.
what a hero murf is !! very well done to him and to maisie for standing by her man in his hour of need ! i bet he's really proud of himself, and you are too Suzanne
Well done Murphy You really are a star and what a gal (no pun intended!!) that sister Maisie is,standing at your side all the way through. What a lucky rottweiler to have your blood flowing thru' it's veins.
CHEERS TO THE GREY ( 3 pints please ) GREAT TO HEAR WHAT A BRAVE BOY MURPH IS AND YOU SUZANNE ALLOWING IT ,the last time Cas saw a needle she almost fainted. MAISIE IS A LITTLE SWEETY AND LOVES HER MURPH SO MUCH ,WELL DONE TO YOU ALL we will have to start calling Murph ,Plasma if this carries on. BEST WISHES TO YOU ALL Nora Cas and the Gangxxxx::