within the last couple of weeks, daisy has decided that it's a good idea to chew the knobs on the kitchen doors and cupboards. today, she thought the washing machine knobs were good too!! we've had dave and daisy since october and neither of them has been destructive until now.
i've noticed that, in the mornings, when i'm about to leave for work, she tries to stay in the lounge. i think she doesn't want me to leave her ! she tries to fool me into thinking she wants the garden, then i can't catch her - eventually i get her back indoors but it's a real struggle to get her into the hall so i can set the alarm to go out !
I have succumbed to buying good housekeeping tip books and the latest was of Kim & Aggie - How Clean is Your House. They have a section on pet smells and it states:
"Combine one part distilld white vinegar to five parts water. Pour into a spray bottle and spray into odoous area. You can also spray in places you don't want your pets to go - they don't like vinegar".
Of course, by doing this, it will also clean the recently chewed door knobs - it might just work.
Does Daisy chew the knobs on your kitchen appliances when you're in or when you've gone out? And it sounds like she's thought of a clever method of preventing you leaving the house in the mornings for work and hoping you'll stay. If she chews when you're out, it could be separation anxiety she has.
You can get great advice from Carole Robinson on this forum - perhaps you could pm her and let her know what Daisy has been up to? She has loads of experience with greyhounds and could help you to overcome Daisy's new habit. Or GAL has a recognised pet behaviourist and trainer - Vivian Silverstein. Her contact details are under Helpful Information/Trainers and Behaviourists on this forum.
Hope this helps you and Daisy. Let us know how you get on.
thank you christine - daisy only does it when i've gone out, she never chews anything when we are home so i think your theory about the separation anxiety might well be right.
i've got next week off work so i'm hoping that she will forget her habit by the time i return to work! i'll also try the vinegar thingy.