I'm seeking advice - conducting a survey on normal greyhound drinking habits -
I trying to establish what is the normal water drinking voulume range of a healthy greyhound is ( greyhounds that are totally settled and relaxed in homes)
reason - my foster greyhound Trei seems to drink very large amounts of water - ( Vet check in progress to rule out medical issues0
as a guide my hounds water dish holds four pints - they can drink dry in 24hours - So rough rule of thumb 1 pint a day per dog on dry food
I haven't measured my water dish, but 1 pint per dog per day doesn't sound excessive.
Two minutes later . . . . now I have measured my water dish . . . . and it holds around 3 pints (because I don't fill it right to the top). I have two dogs and I refill the water dish more than once per day - so mine appear to drink more than 1 pint each per day.
Mind you - we call Suzie the umbrella dog (amongst other things) as she spreads water all around when she is drinking, so I guess it's not all going down their throats.
the veterinary guidelines for the amount of water a dog should have to keep hydrated is 50mls/kg/24hrs...
Its will obviously vary slightly between dogs but you dont want to fall too far below this amount & it will obviously depend on outside temperature/amount of exercise/feeding dry or wet feed etc....if they drink more than this then thats fine - as long as drinking habits dont change overnight ie - all of a sudden drinking vast copious amounts compared to what that particular dog 'normally' drinks, then there is nothing to worry yourself about....it is sudden changes that need to be investigated by your vet - what is normal for your dog could be totally different for someone elses....
If you suspect your dog might be a bit dehydrated pinch their skin between your forefinger & thumb - the skin should return to its normal position instantly - if it takes longer then the dog is a bit dehydrated (test on the back your hand to show you how quickly yours returns & your dogs should do the same....) hope that makes sense....
-- Edited by Suzanne at 22:54, 2005-06-09
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...
we call Suzie the umbrella dog (amongst other things) as she spreads water all around when she is drinking, so I guess it's not all going down their throats.
Yes, Freddy is exactly the same - you can always tell when he's had a drink as the floor is swimming! Wilma is very reluctant to drink from the water bowl in the house - she much rather prefers the dirty old paint tray that God fills up for her (more than we humans appreciate! ). She has to be really desperate to drink in the house!! She tends to only drink just before bedtime, too - I can't say I've ever seen her drink at other times! Weird!
Who's more foolish - the fool, or the one who follows him?
Max seems to drink so much more than Tyler; usually he just can't wait to get in the door for a drink after a walk even if the weather's not that warm. He'll also head straight for his water after a play/run around in the garden, and when he's excited! He tries to drink from filthy muddy puddles outside.
hmmm. dave and daisy's water bowl holds 3 pints - they don't drink half of that per day (not including what i put in their food) but they're not dehydrated (going by suzanne's method) either
Mine probably drink at least a pint per day each, Harry a bit more than Pearly. A good pint or so must get spilled on the floor everyday cos that is The Law.