As Wilma won the prettiest sighthound bitch today (sorry,had to brag! ) she got a small bag of Autarky food as her prize. Unfortunately for her she can't eat it (it's got white meat in it, which is a real no-no for her), however Freddy can have it instead!!! When I look on the feeding guidelines on the back it works out that he should only be having 240g a day! This really looks like a tiny amount of food for such a big dog. Does anyone else feed their dog Autarky and do they only get a small amount per meal?!!!!
Who's more foolish - the fool, or the one who follows him?
Our two get Autarky and do very, very well on it (Pearly's tummy probs was caused by her being a disgusting little madam and scavenging yukky things). Their coats are shiny and they have bags of energy.
Harry weighs 35kg and he gets 1.75 mugfuls morning and night, plus a teeny-tiny bit of tinned Chappie to mix in. I've just weighed this and it comes to about 200g altogether. So looks like we're feeding our dogs almost double what they should be!! I can't believe that. I would say that they both could do with losing about a pound or two, but they're certainly not as overweight as they'd be if we were truly feeding them twice the recommended daily amount.
If Freddy is about the same size as Harry, I'd say that our feeding amounts would be pretty good for him. FYI, Hazza gets 3 walks per day, amounting to about 1.5-2 hours of exercise in total. If Freddy likes Autarky, it's pretty good value cos it's £10.49 per 15kg in Costco.
And well done to bonnie Wilma! Glad to hear that you had such a good time at the show today.