Trei my foster dog is a bit underweight - this been due to all his change of homes etc He has also had a slight urinary tract / kidney infection.
Poor boy is not looking his best as his thick kennel coat is finally coming out in lumps. Brush him every day at mo - he will be relieved in this warmer weather
He gets more Autarky than my other dogs Mick, Snap and Cleo who are all about the right weight.
Should I give a mid day meal as well! Sugguestions please!
ps I know weight of the dogs can be a bit subjective - but I have read that ideally the last 2 ribs should show slightly
What about feeding raw diet. I've been feeding this way for years and found all dogs tend to put on weight with it, --- surprising how little you actually need to feed once you get the balance right. If you dont know a friendly butcher then our van is in the west end every day and if you pm me could probably help you out with some goodies for Trei.