i'm looking for tips to improve my foster dogs coat.
Trei, my foster hound has been with me over 4 weeks. He had a lovely coat when he arrived. But it was a thick kennel coat. Now with the heat over the last 2 weeks he has been shedding it in clumps. I brush him, comb him every day. He is llokking very moth eaten at mo! Thick bits and bare bits - But he really enjoys the brushing and combing. ( note new comb today as Cleo ran off and chewed the old comb to bits) Her coat is now beginning to look good - kennel coat almost gone - think she is jealous now that Trei is getting more grooming.
I plan to shower him tomorrow with a doggie shampoo -
In 2 - 3 weeks he will be looking great - In time for show aghhhhhhhhhhh
Hi, Charles - I got a top tip from Amanda on here and bought some doggy-wash cloths. They're disposable wipes that can be used on a daily basis. Harry was a bit of state about a month ago, shedding his kennel coat and looking very, very dandruffy. I brushed him every day and always gave him a swish down afterwards with one of these wipes. Now, his coat is all shiney and soft and he's as handsome as handsome can be.
Those cloths sound a good idea - brushing does bring the dandruff up to the surface. Trei started shedding his coat quite late - Think he feels uncomfortable on the warmer days as a result.
Hopefully he will soon be looking great!!!! In time for the Gala!
my hubby bought a metal toothed comb which is good hes also bought those hack saw type combs for taylor but it time comsuming getting her coat thined down but getting there shes also got a lot of dandruff to.ill try those wipe will that dandruff go away tho given time.