Harry doesn't really get off the lead as he's too keen and rough for his own good. But now and again I let the big lad loose when no-one is around in a secluded field - muzzled of course.
I've found out that he seems to love chasing and catching a foam frisbee in the back garden so I thought I'd take him out on his own (so he doesn't beat up Pearly) and try him with the frisbee. To catch it he'd have to unmuzzled though!
So, the alarm clock goes off at 5am and the two of us head down to the field near the beach (Pearly whining away in the house asa she's not going!) and we start playing with the frisbee. He loves it and shows no sign whatsoever of getting distracted. His attention was spot on and so was his recall - 100 per cent.
Into the next field we go and all is going great and I'm thinking he's not a hungry rabbit chasing monster after all. Well, until a flippin cat decides to hop onto the garden wall of a house that backs onto the fields! Like a bulet Harry is off and covers the 100 yards in a couple of seconds and clears the garden wall.
Now there I am thinking - oh god - if he gets this cat it's a gonner for sure. Secondly I think - of god, the whole neighbourhood will be woken at 5.30 am to a greyhound mauling a cat. Oh jings.
Once I got to the garden I could see Harry thrashing around the bushes searching for this cat which luckily seemed to be nowhere in sight.
Now Harry cleared this wall easy but now he seems to be wondering how he did this. All I see is Harry's head bobbing up and down behinfd the wall. Then over he comes pleased as punch after I blow the whistle a few times.
We walk on and later mess around with the frisbee again in the next filed but off he goes again - this time a plastic bag!
Now in the past year since I've been using this field for Pearly I've never seen a cat before - just my luck today! Anyway, valuable lesson learned in that Harry still has a long way to go until he's getting free again - he's WAY to keen!
Just when you are least expecting it - a cat or something pops up!!! Always be aware .
Went round corner of my house this morning with my four, was thinking it will be very quiet as it 7.45 on a Sunday. Guesss what two yorkies running about - off the lead- on the grass open space. Fortunately they were down the slope a bit so the dogs did not see them imediately and stwas able to steer them in opposite direction. Ohter wise they would have been straining at leads, jumping and howling. They regard this large open space as their own land which makes them more possessive / protective.
The dogs all on the lead and the girls were also muzzled!!!