We all know Harry was a vampire in a previous life but he has a really wierd trait that amuses me no end, but was a bit scary at first.
If he thinks he is being told off or sometimes if we are trying to get him out of a room or tell him to do somethig he doesn't really want to he snuffs or snorts and bares his teeth. There's no growl or anything like that - but he likes to show his nashers.
We reckon he must have done this as a way of saying to previous owners to back off as he was probably handled very harshly but it has developed into a less aggressive way of communicating his slight displeasure.
LOL Harry's so funny! I can't say that Vegas does anything like that when he's being told off for something he's doing. He just slinks away, lies down and huffs - big sighs too!
Harry sounds as if he's having a 'Kevin moment' (you know Harry Enfield's character who kept saying "it's not fair" and "I hate you" to his parents). So maybe he's just being a defiant teenager and showing you that he's not pleased about what you're telling him to do.
When our Collie X was a pup and I'd tell him off, I'd often shake my finger at him. To show his defiance, he'd half-heartedly try to bite my finger. He always meant to miss of course, but his show of dumb insolence always made me smile! When you're trying to be 'the stern Mum or Dad' it's really difficult at times to keep a straight face and get the dog to do what you want.
Blue does this when he's all excited about going for a walk, he's all gums and wiggles. Really funny to watch as most of the rest of the time, he's so laid back.
Dexter snorts then sighs/blows air through his mouth, making his lip top lip flutter when he is have a 'Kevin' moment! Usually looking straight at me when I have given him a telling off. Cheeky monkey!
Abbey looks as if she is going to nip/bite your face when she wants to play, then shuffles at the floor with her front feet all the time yodelling!
neither dave nor daisy bare their teeth but daisy does growl if you lean on her, even very lightly. i discovered this when i leant over to give her a kiss - i didn't realise i was leaning ever so slightly on her bottom!!
dave has a habit of sleeping with his tongue out of the side of his mouth - looks most odd.
daisy sleeps with her eyes open - real spooky-looking !