just wondered how many 1 owner families of Greyhounds/lurchers there are out there??
ie. I live on my own with 2 greys but most of the owners on the forum seem to be with partners....
just being nosey really....I do occassionally (ok - a lot!) struggled walking 2 dogs but purely from the point of getting tied up with leads but I wouldnt swop it for the world....
I do keep a keen eye out when on walks for any hunky single men walking dogs but alas have drawn a blank.....wonder if there is a dog lovers dating agency out there?? (not that I NEED a man of course....just curious ;)
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...
You know, that's not a bad idea. Might just fancy a wee change myself......
Seriously, I think I would struggle if I had two dogs and was by myself. What with working full-time and studying part-time there never seems to be enough hours in the day, and that's with Steve on-tap to do my bidding (I'm kiddin!!! Sort of.........
Steve wrote: Dave - think Suzanne is wanting a new 'Dating' section within the website???
Sadly I don't think there are many dog loving, hard working, millionaires out there, I have looked and decided the more people I meet the more I love my DOG!!! Anyway if it goes wrong, things can get messy when there are dogs involved in the settlement. I think I'll stay single!!!
Having said that if there are any men who fall into the category of man I'm looking for, give me a shout!!
Hi Suzanne! Well I am a sort of part-time-single-two-dog-owner . . . if you get me!
My husband, Jerry, works in the outskirts of London through the week at the moment - he has been working down there for two years this September and things won't change until the spring of next year when we hope his job will bring him back home (fingers crossed).
Even more complicated than walking two dogs - is walking two dogs SEPARATELY on your own. As you know Suzie has a screw through her leg at the moment and can only have her outings in the garden - so we do the garden outing first, then I take her back into the house and then walk Sim. Things will get even more complicated once she has the screw removed next week (hopefully) as she will then be on a build-up regime of increasing exercise. How do you take one dog for a short walk and simultaneously take the other for a normal, longer walk! Tricky!
Fortunately absent husband is home for three weeks in August. So hopefully, by the time that ends, Suzie may be nearly back to normal exercise. I hope!
Prior to that - that only problem I had walking them together was if Suzie (nearly 10) was dragging her heels.
well I'm getting not bad at matching dogs to owners so I reckon I'd manage matching owners with owners, dead easy like...right Suzanne are you house trained?
house trained - yes - last pee'd on floor 27 yrs ago can eat dinner without dropping half of it on floor - yes (mostly) can go for a walk without sniffing other peoples bottoms - YES cat safe - suppose so - unless they rub up my leg, then I have a tendancy to drop kick them kid safe - yes, but cant eat a whole one can be left alone without issues - yes, with a bottle of wine & TV left on for company good with other dogs - depends on weither they are giving me the evil eye in the pub or not
"Un-neutered, house-trained, blonde bitch, 3*cough* years old, would preferably be homed with young male, slim build, six pack, muscular running machine - rich owners (parents) preferable"
Hows that Dave??
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...
Suzanne wrote: "Un-neutered, house-trained, blonde bitch, 3*cough* years old, would preferably be homed with young male, slim build, six pack, muscular running machine - rich owners (parents) preferable"
- actually that could be an advert for "When Maisie met Murphy" !!
(minus the rich owner bit ;)
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...
I've got one almost meeting your criteria - young, slim, leggy dark male - almost housetrained. Can be left now without issues. Cat safe, likes other dogs, and the small and furries are safe from him too. He has all his vaccinations, he's un-neutered and he's not chipped yet. He's not found his forever home because I think he's too comfy where he is, but could be persuaded if his new home can accommodate all his toys. He's not too sporty, but with the right training, this could improve. Has a remarkable habit of pinching beer out of the fridge! Present owners definitely not rich - but this could improve too if six little numbers come up this week!