Ok I know I dont use the comp very often but thought you would all like to hear the latest on Jasper SUPER DOG!!!!!! Just over a week ago while I was out at a friends Jasper decided to break into my sons bedroom and jump out the window, first floor window onto concrete, ouch!! was a very lucky dog dog and has only (I say only but I am sure you all know it could be worse) broken his leg, no chipped teeth, or broken ribs. The break is however very severe both the ulna and radius just above his wrist.
They have plated it and all going well he should be back to normal in about 12weeks according to the vet at Dick vet.
The problem is keeping him quiet and not bouncy ha ha ha, lucky I am still on Mat leave and in the house well effectively I am house bound for the next 6 weeks until we can start walking him again.
I am however having difficulty comming to terms with the fact that he actually did this I would have credited him with just a little more common sence and savy, I have no idea what freaked him ut so much that he felt this was the only way to escape, he as certainly never tried anything like this before. The only thing that I know he has a problem with is the fridge freezer he hates when it clicks on and off to chill but has never demonstrated any mad behavour before.
So bottom line is it looks like I will be on the comp more often for the next few weeks and super dog is convalessing, moral of the story have a chat with yer mutt and inform them of the dissadvantages of jumping from a 1st floor window on to concrete.
Ps All capes, tights and slick shiny suits gratefully accepted!!!!!
With an invalid dog currently enduring operations/treatment for a torn achilles - I can wholeheartedly recommend the use of an indoor kennel.
GAL have several they can lend - or perhaps some other kind soul who is not using theirs would lend it to you.
Suzie has had a screw through her leg to mend the achilles and goes in the 'cage' at night and when we are out. She doesn't mind at all and it stops her from jumping around.
It gives you peace of mind - knowing that the dog is confined if you are not there to keep an eye on what's going on.
What a shame Jasper has been a silly boy and didn't look before he leapt out the window! But Lesley's advice is sound about the indoor kennel and at least you'd know he wouldn't be jumping about when you're not there to check him.
Hope Jasper's leg heals well - give him a big hug from me and Vegas.
Dearie me, I've never heard the like before! Poor Jasper - he must have really freaked out. He's a very, very lucky boy not to have done more damage to himself. Here's hoping that he get better very soon.
Thankyou to everyone for all the kind wishes, I have passed on all the cuddles and kisses to Jaz which he has lapped up, feeling very sorry for himself.
Re the kennel I was contemplating buying one. I will have to shop around, although if gal do lend them out then if there is one spare Iwould be really appreciative of a loan, the prospect of being house bound for the next 8weeks with jaz and 9mnth baby might just drive me to the gin!!!! If there is not one spare where is the best place to purchase one does anyone know?
Hi, Lizzy - we bought our crate on eBay for £60. It's massive, I think it's a 48" one. Very quick service too, as it arrived two or three days later. I think you can buy them even cheaper at the moment on eBay, and it seems to be proper dealers (rather than someone selling off a spare one). If you do decide to buy one, try and get one with two doors, ie, both end/side opening, as it's more convenient and gives you more options about where to place it.
Thanks for advice re ebay, I ventured on for the first time registered with a few blue words floating around in the air and I have purchased on cage for the Jaz man and at a much cheaper price than the local vets.So huge thanks for the info
Tomorrow is del day so wish us luck and that he will accept that this is where he will have to go in future if I go out.
Not only will we have his cage up but I also have a playpen for Rhiannon, thinking about charging visitors to come and see the local Zoo, and its wild caged animals!!!!!
Hi, Lizzy - good news about getting a crate at a good price! You'll have to acclimatise Jasper to his new crate, and teach him that it's a great place to be. We did this with Pearly when we first got her, and she often would run into her crate for a zzzzzzzzzzzzz because she knew it was always accompanied by biscuits and treats, etc. Start off by throwing some treats in, or his favourite toy, and maybe feeding him in there - all with the door open. He'll soon learn that it's a Nice Place and will be happy as Larry. (BTW, apols if this is teaching your granny to suck eggs!!)
Just to say no training req re Jasper and cage he loves it, as soon as I had it erected and put his duvet in he was there staking his claim, he wanders in and out at will actually spent most of yesterday in it happy as larry. Dornie is now jelous to the extent that when he pops out she fires in and lies down in it. I thought I would test him so put him in, muzzled the D dog went out and pretended to go away, not a yelp or a bark, just ok lets lie down and sleep.
So all in all I resounding sucesss, thanks for all advice and Ideas.
Glad to hear Jaz has settled into the cage. How's his leg doing? I'm sure lots of rest in the cage with help with his recovery and also all the TLC he's getting from you too.
Lots of kisses from Gambol Keera and Jamie