poor dave & daisy - not sure it was the strawberry that upset their tums - they both have the squits now !! dave very laid back about lack of dinner but daisy has the hump with me cos i'm not feeding them until tomorrow nite then they will have nice chicky with rice and pasta. hope that works cos i don't want it to be bad enuff to visit the doctor
Hope Dave and Daisy are better tomorrow and that the light dinner will help their tums. I'm sure Daisy's huff won't last long once she gets her chicken, rice and pasta. Yum!
We hope your squitty bottoms firm up nice and quick. It's not nice having a hot-bot, especially in this warm weather. Ask your mum to give you a wee dod of live natural yoghurt, cos that should help. It's yummy!
mum cooked us lovely stuff today - and we've got some more of the same tomorrow. she went shopping today but forgot our yoghurt (you just can't get the staff) !!
our botties seem ok at the moment, nothing too much is stirring as we sleep on the sofa but mum says she's going to check the garden in the morning - not sure what she means cos there's nothing out there since we ruined the grass and she had it all paved over
mum also muttered something about the doctors if bottoms no better tomorrow. she does witter on so !!
Hope things are all better in the hot-bot department now! And of course the chicken, rice and pasta helps a lot too! Give Mum a BIG reminder about the yoghurt when she goes shopping next time - you'll both love it and it'll keep your tums working well!
well, mum was inspecting the grass a lot today when we went for our walk. she's now wittering on about the doctor so i guess that means a little trip in the car for us. chicky dinner was lovely but doesn't seem to have made mum as happy as it did us.
will keep you posted about rear ends cos i know you lot just love this subject !!!!
Oooh, dear - methinks you will be in for the delights of the thermometer, and us doogles know only too well where that little sucker goes when our temperature is taken.....
well, we didn't go to the doctors today cos mum's inspection in the garden seemed to cheer her up a bit (she is very odd, gets excited about the weirdest things). she said something about checking the garden again tomorrow and making a decision then
what's all that about thermometers then? what should we expect? something nice, we hope
I agree - Mums can be very strange, indeed. I mean, when two Mums meet, they don't even sniff each other like we do! But it's great she seemed happier about what she found in the garden. And thermometers - well, let's just say they're not exactly nice, but they're nothing to be frightened of either! They're just a bit startling at first.
hi guys and gals. mum really fed up today - it would seem things in the garden aren't as rosy as first thought. she was on the phone to the doctor today and now we have to get up early tomorrow morning (groan) - apparently we are going to see a nice man. perhaps he'll be doing something about the garden for mum.
nice lady doctor saw us today. thermometers !!! bleee !! still she looked at the little object and said all was well in the temperature department. i notice daisy didn't get anything stuck up her end - is this the women sticking together?
anyway, we both had injections (ouch) and we have some tablets to take for a few days - at least that means we'll get cheese twice a day. mum seems happier today too so, with any luck, that's us sorted out.
Hope the lady doctor has worked her magic on you both! Keep taking the tablets... you'll be fine! Hope you're both feeling so much better in a couple of days.