We had a really good turnout of people in the end - friends and associates of mine, friends and associates of Debbie who's house it was - and many GAL people who had journeyed long distances to help. More than 20 adults, and 7 kids. It is a huge area though - we could've used more.
I cannot name everyone because I was so stressed and hyped that I will probably forget someone's name and offend them. But I am so grateful to everyone who came - we needed every one of you.
Maggie ran us a merry dance. We were trying to herd her from the top of two main fields to fenced areas at the bottom - every time we got near to cornering her she would just dash back past us - slippery as an eel. This all took place on a slope of about 45 degrees - several of us ran back up the hill 3 times. She switched fields several times too, but we were prepared for that and had instructed people to try and stay broadly in the area they started off in so that there were no big empty stretches for her to disappear in.
Just as we were running back down again to try and intercept her as she came through to our field a shout went up: "they've got her". I cannot tell you how relieved I was to hear that.
Debbie - who's house it is - had finally managed to grab her. She was totally exhausted by then and when taken to the stream for a drink she collapsed into the stream in exhaustion. We splashed her with water and she had a drink - then we carried her in a blanket back to the house where we left her quietly with Eddie to recover.
By the time I left I had put a (tight) collar on her with lead attached, and a harness with lead attached, and she was sitting up looking around.
Eddie has taken her back to the kennels at Langbank so she couldn't be in better hands, and I will go and visit her sometime soon when she has had a chance to recover and settle in.
Thankyou, thankyou, THANKYOU - to everyone who came to help.
I cant believe how happy I am to hear you got Maggie, Well Done! you are all amazing people. You and Charles and everyone involved in deserve a well earned sleep tonight.
I'll echo what Siouxsie said - it's GREAT news that Maggie is now safe!! I can imagine how relieved you all are at the sharp end of the operation to catch Maggie. Lesley, Charles, friends and all the GAL members who turned up - THANK YOU SO MUCH for being there to help. Maggie must have been very frightened, but now she's in the best possible place to settle in at Rachel and Eddie's. WELL DONE, EVERYONE - you're all the bees knees!!!
What a star you are, and all the people who turned out to help. It's very humbling that so many people would give up their time and make such efforts to save Maggie. You should all be very proud of yourselves.
I'd just like to say a very special WELL DONE to all the kids who turned up to help last night.
They were absolutely fabulous and stayed cool and calm with all the excitement of trying to catch Maggie. They really were a great big help and they should be very, very proud of themselves.
Nicki it certainly was a great feeling to hear that shout! I was really worried about our chances when I saw how much land had to be covered but everyone was determined not to go home until Maggie was safe again. Hats off to Lesley and Charles...they knew exactly what had to be done and where to position everyone.
She was very wobbly on her legs when we did find her and totally exhausted but a cool down in the stream and lots of TLC from now on and I'm sure she'll do fine. It was certainly the best feeling I've had in a long while when we got her and my kids were hyper all the way home in the car!!
A BIG, HUGE, ENORMOUS WELL DONE to everyone involved in maggie's rescue.
i certainly heaved a sigh of relief and shed a tear or two on hearing the news. i hope she'll now settle down and forget her adventures and learn that the easy life is so much better !
Shirley - your kids were not the only ones who were hyper.
Perversely (since I was Kn*ckered) I couldn't sleep last night: I was still lying awake at 1.30 am with a silly smile slapped on my face and adrenalin still coursing through my veins.
I have just spoken to Rachel who told me that Maggie had a full top to toe checkup at the vets this afternoon.
She is stiff, sore and bruised, but otherwise seems ok. She has millions of fleas - and very bad skin around the tail where she has been working at the flea bites. The flea damage is long term so she didn't pick them up while she was loose, although she did have some other passengers in the form of a few ticks (she was hiding in a sheep field).
She has been given painkiller and treated for fleas. She has painkiller to continue taking while she is stiff and sore. Apart from that it is just a case of winning her confidence which I have every confidence Rachel and Eddie will manage in the end.
I will go and visit her in a while when she has had a chance to relax a bit.
Shirley, can ! just repeat again well done to you all and not surpised the kids were hyper on road home such a feeling of elation, relief, exhustion, hats off to a wonderful team.
Maggie has a long way to go. She is a very anxious girlie - nothing to do with her having escaped, but more the reason she did escape (she was obviously very nervous on arrival at her foster home).
However - Rachel has had small advances: occasional tiny flickers of her tail, and she likes having her neck rubbed. She enjoys Hero's company and he seems to give her a little more confidence.
Dear wee girlie - she is in the best place. If anyone can bring her out of her shell it's Rachel and Eddie.
I agree with you - Rachel and Eddie will be superb with Maggie. Poor little thing sounds as if she's terrified of us all! But it's great she's got a pal in Hero. If he is giving her confidence she needs just now, that's great - she'll take her lead from him. It sounds as if there's a long way to go, but Maggie will come round in time, I'm sure.
Glad to hear Maggie is making a little progress.I'm sure the friendship of Hero will help a lot too. I also couldn't agree more that she is in the right hands with Rachel and Eddie. Given time she will soon be a more confident happy girl.
I was at Rachel and Eddies today to pick up Morph and Levi (to go to the Westerton Gala) and of course to meet Maggie again, for the first time since her re-capture.
She is greatly improved (in a modest way). She has bonded with Rachel and Eddie, and has Hero for a friend. She barked at me when I came in, but wagged her tail. She stayed on the other side of the room, but then settled on the couch, first with Eddie and then Rachel, and allowed me to come and sit beside her and stroke her.
She has a long way to go in terms of increasing her confidence, but it was nice to see her looking happier and less terrified.
I have sent some pics to Dave which I hope he may post.
nice to hear maggie's confidence is growing. she can only get better, especially in the care of Rachel & Eddie. let's hope her life will improve in leaps and bounds from now on.
Hi Folks, below are Lesley's piccies of Maggie, I also had the pleasure of meeting her today, much like Lesley she greeted me with a pretty loud bark then scarpered back onto her sofa trying to look cool and not to bothered as her 'boyfriend' Hero made a big fuss over me. They do make such a handsome pair and when Hero had done saying hello he hopped onto the couch next to Maggie, it was a real photo opportunity but I didn't have my camera. DOH!
Anyways Maggie seems well settled with Rachel and Eddie and allowed them both to pet her, I didn't try to get closer than half the room away cos I didn't want to spook her too much, much improved she is but she's a long way to go till I can even consider re-homing her with anyone.
Sadly to add to her nervousiness she's been diagnosed with a small liver problem and is now on special dog food for that, she'll be on this for 2 weeks then go back for more tests, fingers crossed!
She is such a lovely dog and I still can't get over what a nice pair her and Hero make, Maggie has really bonded with him and Rachel tells me she was very upset on Friday as Hero was at the vets all day being neutered!