Charles is right Suzanne, why not borrow the pheromone adapter thingy from GAL. You can see if it works, and if it does, I'll fight you for it at bonfire time.
Suz see how he goes but if you think he could be helped by a Dap diffuser we have one you could try (might need a new refill as havn't had to use it in ages!)
My heart goes out to poor Murhpy, I know what it is like having a dog that is scared of fireworks, wee janie is terrified of loud noises and it is just a nightmare. As for bonfire night wouldn't mind if it was an organised display for ONE night but it goes on for a month, i would also like to tell them where to stick their fireworks. I had a DAP diffuser for Janie but unfortunately it had no effect, but would be worth a try for murphy as it does work for some dogs.
Will be thinking about poor murphy over the next few weeks.
Poor Murphy! I'll be thinking of him too over the next few weeks. Vegas is also terrified of the sound of fireworks and he shudders and shakes at thunder and lightening too. During the last thunderstorm I came through from the kitchen wondering what the strange noise in the lounge was. Vegas was shaking so badly that his teeth were chattering!
We have a CD that we've tried using to desensitise him to the noise. You are supposed to play it very low to start with and build it up over the weeks up to Bonfire Night. But now people are setting off fireworks for any old event, so the CD doesn't really help there.
I hope the DAP diffuser works with Murph - I'd be interested to hear how you get on with it, because I'm thinking of getting one for Vegas too.
well no need for the DAP diffuser just yet...I think with me totally ignoring his behaviour & the fact that his little sister doesnt even bat an eyelid at the noise of fireworks has settled Murfs nerves - he is now just raising his head when he hears them each night & then going back to sleep....
might be a different matter come bonfire 'month' when I swear it sounds like rockets are about to come screaming through my windows sometimes...but Ill cross that bridge when I come to it.
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...
Poor wee sausage. It's great that Maisie is showing him that they're nothing to be scared of and certainly not worth missing out on valuable zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz for.
One of my greys gets really distressed by fireworks and although it sounds hard hearted, I really do believe that ignoring her anxiety is best. My routine in the build up to bonfire night is to close the curtains and all the doors in the late afternoon/early evening, turn the television up to drown out the "whooshes" because that's the sound that really startles her. I then settle myself down, with plenty of nibbles and sit and read a book (well, pretend to read a book!) I also pull the settee forward so that she can find a wee place to hide. After an hour or so, she seems to accept the noise and although she pants and is obviously unsettled, she is considerably better than when I comfort and pet her.
Suzanne, Poor murphy, but good (& surprising!) that the fireworks don't upset Maisie.
I wouldn't like to put you off the DAP diffuser as it may very well help other dogs. We used it for several weeks last year before bonfire night and it didn't seem to help Tyler at all. This year, I'm going to try Bach Rescue Remedy drops. During the weeks building up to bonfire night we make a sort of tent out of a duvet cover for Tyler to retreat under. I certainly take on board what Carol advises, especially on bonfire night. We also don't make a fuss when she becomes nervous. It makes night time walking very difficult as she tries to bolt then refuses to go any further as she wants to turn back home asap.
Last year the 5th November was so overwhelming for Tyler, we had to make a plan quick - she wa running round & round the house trying to hide into every nook & cranny that she thought she might get into - even sticking her head & digging into the computer desk!! So, we emptied our large kitchen cupboard (almost walk-in size), put a radio on inside put a duvet down for her to lie on, left the door open of course, and she voluntarily went in there for the rest of the night, and made it her 'safe haven'.
We make sure a light is on if she's alone in the house during darkness, and we also learned that we need to leave all the blinds open too, as last year she wrecked 2 pairs of blinds & curtains, soiled & peed, through no fault of her own, as we think the poor soul was so petrified, she may have tried to escape through the windows!! She would never do this at any other time of year.
I used to like fireworks but not anymore. We dread this season coming up but at least through experience we will be more prepared.
although she pants and is obviously unsettled, she is considerably better than when I comfort and pet her.
I've found this too, Carole. Belle isn't bothered by fireworks, so far, but I've had two dogs who were. It's instinct to want to cuddle and pet them when they're frightened, but I've found it makes them worse. It's hard to ignore them at times like that, but it seems to help if you just go about your normal business, like nothing's wrong.